Chapter 25

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Annika and Shivaay went back to the resort. The whole way back they held their hands. Beautiful smiles adorned their faces.

When they came back it was almost afternoon and the preparations were being done for sangeet in the evening.

Annika and Shivaay came holding hands, glancing each other every other second.

"Look who decided to come back to work" Kunal said with a sarcastic tone.

"Kunal I am sorry, I should have been here before the preparations began. I lost track of time." Annika apologized sincerely.

"Don't be so serious, I can't mess with you if you do that" Kunal replied, pouting his lips. "You both look like I disturbed you"


"Yes" Shivaay said clearly with no embarrassment. But it was enough for Annika to choke on air and cough uncontrollably.

"Shivaay!" Annika said pushing her elbow in his ribs making him laugh.

"Anyways almost everything is done. We also prepared some gifts for Veer's and Kavya's friends that will only drop by for tonight." Kunal informed. "So, you both can go and get ready for tonight as well and meet us downstairs." He gave a two-fingered salute and went to finish off his work.

"Sounds like a good plan to me" Shivaay murmured in Annika's ear giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "We have plenty of time to do other things than get ready." He said suggestively.

"Shivaay not now okay. And moreover, I have to give everything a quick look over to make sure everything is perfect for sangeet." Annika said moving away but the pink tint in her cheeks was quite visible.

"Annika I..."

"Sir!" Kriti came running cutting Shivaay off. "There has been a problem in the shipment we were getting from the warehouse. And the workers there are complaining about the contract terms."

"Didn't I send in a new signed contract with their terms included?" Shivaay asked.

"I did send them the new papers, but they still want to speak to you. I am not really sure what else they want us to do." Kriti said annoyed.

"Okay fine. Arrange a phone call with the head of the warehouse and I will personally talk to him. And uh... I think I left my phone in the car if you can go get it." Shivaay said giving his car keys to Kriti.

"Of course, Sir." Kriti said as she scurried off towards the parking lot.

"Annika I..." Shivaay started but Annika cut him off.

"Don't apologize. Its your work I get that. And I have to get back as well. Finish whatever you have to and join me in few hours. I'll leave something for you to wear in your room." Annika told him.

"I don't want to work." Shivaay whined making Annika raise an eyebrow.

"The great SSO doesn't want to work. I never thought I would hear that in the same sentence." Annika teased.

"Well, I never thought I would actually. Hmm..." Shivaay wondered. But moved close to Annika to grab her by the waist. "Maybe I never thought work was just a part of my life not my life. That's you by the way." He added with a flirty smile.

"That is cheesy as hell. And I don't fall for that kind of stuff." Annika told him. "Now go or we'll be late" She added giving him a quick kiss and going to the hotel.

Hello everyone. Firstly, I would like to apologize for updating so late. I have put the book on hold for now. So if you are one of those readers who like to read it all at once please start once it is completed.  I have also noticed a lot of mistakes in the published chapters, grammatical errors and stuff, I will get to that once I am done with the story. Thank you and happy reading.

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