STAND BY ME - chapter 09

Start from the beginning

Hinata nodded, "I'll go call them right now, you can come in!"

Mikoto and Fugaku made their way inside the cozy home, and took their shoes off.

Hiashi and Mayumi (**AN: I had to make up a name for Hinata's mom) made their way to the front entrance of the house, welcoming Fugaku and Mikoto.

"Mayumi, I made you a cake, in hopes of somewhat comforting you... I can't imagine what you're going through." Mikoto handed the desert to Mayumi, both slightly bowing to each other.

Fugaku and Hiashi did the same, both noble leaders acknowledging each other.

"Come, make your way inside," Mayumi said, whose eyes seemed glassy and puffy. She must have been crying.

The Hyuga and the Uchiha made their way inside the home, sitting down.

"Hokage-sama had my approval to take Itachi, Shisui, and Kayumi, to look for your daughter." Fugaku commented.

"I appreciate the support," Hiashi finally spoke, his voice rugged, "Who knows what Orochimaru is up to now. The secrets of the Byakugan cannot be revealed by any means."

"But Aya is strong," Mikoto said, slicing the cake, preparing the dishes and the tea with Mayumi, "I'm sure she's doing okay."

"Mikoto..." Mayumi said, her mind seemed as if it was wondering somewhere else, "I appreciate sending your son to look for my dear Aya. I am not too worried now, because I know he is one of your own - capable and strong." 

Mikoto sweetly smiled to her friend. Mayumi and Mikoto used to rigorously train together when they were younger. "Anything for a friend in need."


It was dawn, my favourite timing of the day. We were approaching Konoha's gates.

I sighed, smiling. It feels good to be back home. 

"We finally made it." These past five days, I couldn't help but shake this odd feeling I felt inside of my abdomen. Something felt foreign. 

"You guys can go on ahead, I'm stopping by Hokage-sama's office, and then I'll be heading to the Hyuga compound to get some healing done." I spoke.

Shisui nodded, "Good call. I guess we'll see you around, then."
Kayumi waved goodbye, winking, "See you at the wedding, Aya!" 

Shisui and Kayumi made their way inside of the gates, holding hands. 

I smiled, and my gaze landed onto Itachi, whom these past couple of days, we spent a lot of time reconnecting. 

"So, how many days until the wedding?" I cheekily smiled.
"We have five more days," Itachi smiled, "I'll pick you up at your house by noon."
I nodded. "Thank you, Itachi. For everything."
"You don't have to thank me." He smiled back at me, and at that moment, my mind felt frozen. His smile made me happy. "Do you want me to tag along with you, to the compound?"

Impulsively, I wanted to say yes. Yes. Do come with me. 
But I immediately thought of his family, and how worried they must also be about him. 

I shook my head, "That's okay, Itachi. You should go check up on your parents, and Sasuke too." I said, still smiling. Itachi nodded and began walking off.

"Take care."
"Bye!" I waved to him. 

This pain in my abdomen was starting to bother me. I had to sit down for a few moments, recollecting my composure. 


"Come in." I heard Tsunade say through the door. I walked into her office, her expression surprised.

"Aya, you made it back," Tsunade said, "Alive and well you seem!"

"Uh-huh, Hokage-sama." I took The Scroll out of my bag. 

"Your parents didn't have quite the best reaction, hearing that you were abducted by Orochimaru..."

I sighed. They always overreact. "You shouldn't have told them," I placed The Scroll on Tsunade's desk, "Here you go. Mission successfully completed."

Tsunade smirked, "I'm not surprised you managed to find it," I saw Tsunade look me up and down, almost concerned, "Are you okay? Did Orochimaru do anything to you?"

"What do you mean by that?"
"I mean... he has a history... with girls your age..."
"Did he-" Tsunade rubbed her face, "What I mean to ask you is, has he done anything to you physically? Assault or-"
"God no!" I covered my mouth, "I would have broken his arms! And that slimy tongue of his! But..." 
"Go on, Aya."
"I can't shake this odd feeling in my abdomen. I'm thinking it's because Orochimaru would inject me with some substance every couple of hours he kept me hostage."
"Go to the healing compound immediately, but first.. I'd suggest notifying your parents of your presence."

With that, I dismissed myself and headed to my parents house.

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