Why Me

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Samoas POV
I heard a persistent beeping and i groaned as the pain in my head intensified. I slowly opened my eyes to see my dad staring down at me. I got flashes through my head about a car accident.
Sam: dad where is bella john paul and the fbi agent.
D: bud john and paul had minor injures the FBI guy was shot and bella well she is missing.
Sam: What no he has her i know he does we have to find her he will kill her.
I tried to get up but my dad held me down.
D: we will find her and keep her safe but you need to stay in bed untill the doc say otherwise.
As if on cue the doctor walked through the door followed by a girl in a pants suit.
Doctor: Mr.Johnson your scans are normal so your free to leave.
Women: Hello my name is agent jerro with the fbi. Do you remember anything about the crash.
Sam: it was zack i remember bella pointing out that he was in the car right next to us.
Aj: so your sure of that.
Sam: i am but at impact i was knocked out out so i know nothing about after that.
AJ: we have an amber alert out for your friend. We also have a license plate for his car out. Thanks to agent morgan for that. We will get her back. Her phone went off and she looked at me.
Aj: they got a hit someone called said they know where the car is we will let you know if it leads to anything.
All i could think is that i hope the girl i love is alive. If she is safe i will never let her go again.
Bellas POV
I am in some kind of building with ropes around my wrists. I have been struggling with the ropes for almost 2 hours now. I finally seem to be getting it to loosen. I stop when i hear a door open. I look up and see the devil him self smirking at me.
Z: what did i tell you bell i said i would get you and i did. You broke the rules my little silver bell. You went to the cops you know what happenes when you break the rules right? You get punished.
As he said that word i began to work on the ropes again. I know what his punishments intail and i will not let him do that again. Never again he always goes after me. Why is it always me. Why me. I felt my wrist slip out of the loop and i internally screamed in joy. I untied the other not and the ropes were gone. He was looking in a bag and pulled out a leather riding crop. I gulped imagining what he would have used it for. When we walked over to me and was right infront of me. My fist flew at his man hood. I slammed his head onto the ground and knocked him out i grabbed the keys from his pocket and a gun from his bag. I unlocked the door and seen a street. I took off running to i dont know where. The gun in my hand. I ran for at least an hour when i seen a suv coming in my direction i panicked i ran to a tree and hid behind it. The suv stopped i held my breath and clutched the gun to my chest. Someone peaked around the tree and i held the gun out.
Sam: woah woah baby girl put the gun down.
I looked up at him and he looked like he was worried sick. I lowered the gun and broke down crying. His arms wrapped around me and he took the gun from my hands he picked me up as i clung to him the tears showing no signs of stopping. He carried me to the car and i seen a women with blond hair and the fbi friend of Paul's. I was curled up is samoas lap and i noticed another person in the car samoas dad was in the car. We drove up to the hospital and samoa carried me inside. I was taken to a room right away and as i was being sat on the bed in walked nikki.
N: Bella are you ok baby girl.
I nodded as tears streamed down my face.
Sam: hay shortie what did he do
B: he tied me up and left me in some wearhouse i was tugging on the ropes for 2 hours when he came in looked at me like i was food. He said what did i tell you bell i said i would get you and i did. You broke the rules my little silver bell you went to the police. You know what happens when you break the rules right.  He said he was gonna punish me. He only uses the word punishment when he rapes me. I couldn't let him do that again. I got the ropes off as he was going through a bag and he pulled out a riding crop. When he came close to me i punched his man parts and smashed his head on the ground. I took his keys and grabbed his gun and ran as far as i could. I could not would not let him hurt me again. I hope i didn't kill him.
Sam: you didn't baby the fbi has him they had tracked the car and found him. Your safe baby girl and i wanna tell you something i know its fast but i love you so so much and im never letting you go again.
N: awwwwwwwwww
B: i love you to sam thanks for saving me.
Sam: i always will baby i always will.
A doctor came and gave me stitch's on my wrists. While we were walking out and i was approached by the jason guy and another fbi agent.
J: hello bella how are you feeling
B: alot better now
Fbi: hello bella my name is spencer reed.
B: hello
Sr: we need your help zacks father has been on the run for almost 20 years.
B: i know
Sr: would you consider helping us get him.
B: how
Sr: from what we can tell is zack was hiding from him because he told him not to hurt you. His father seen you as his own child. You have an in with him and he will trust you.
Sam: no that puts her in danger
B: i will do it for jessica
Sam: are you sure
B: yes she was always so nice to me. I need to help her if he was like his son then she has been living in hell lets do it.
Ok so now she is gonna work with the fbi to take zacks dad down.

Adopted by Nikki Bella and John CenaWhere stories live. Discover now