Chapter 35- Sherlock's Looking A Bit... Off?

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"Morning, you two." I greeted as I sat opposite them on the picnic table and put my suitcase on the floor next to the table. Neither of them said hello in return. "Well aren't you both cheery this morning?" I commented sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

John looked up from the plate of food he was eating and seemed to go back to the conversation they were both having before I arrived. "Listen, what happened to me in the lab?" He asked.

Sherlock and I shared a look briefly, he reached for the sauce container, "D'you want some sauce with that?" He tried to change the subject and I span on the bench to face sideways and look at nothing in particular.

John looked between us and gestured with his fork as he spoke, "I mean, I hadn't been to the Hollow, so how come I heard those things in there? Fear and stimulus, you said."

"Well, maybe you were dosed with it somewhere else?" I suggested and John quirked an eyebrow at me in disbelief. "Pipes." I stated out of nowhere. "In the lab, the pipes looked pretty old... they may have been leaky?" Even as I said it I didn't believe myself.

Sherlock continued to look through the sauces. "Um, ketchup, was it John? Or brown...?" He asked in an attempt to change the subject again.

"Hang on, you thought it was in the sugar." John argued and Sherlock just stared back at him, trying to appear nonchalant. "You were convinced it was in the sugar."

Sherlock looked over at me and then cleared his throat, "Better get going, actually." I reached from my suitcase as he looked at his watch. "There's a train that leaves in half an hour, so if you want..."

John's eyes widened as he looked over at me and then realised. "Oh God. It was you two. You locked me in that bloody lab."

"Being honest, I didn't actually know that was the plan and I didn't enjoy it. Not for a second." I told him and put a hand on my heart. Sherlock frowned at me and John raised his eyebrows, neither of them believing me.

Sherlock then turned to John and appeared to look apologetic. "I had to. It was an experiment."

"An experiment?!" John exclaimed and people looked over at out table, so Sherlock and I shushed him as we noticed all the staring faces. "I was terrified, Sherlock. I was scared to death." John continued angrily but quieter this time.

I sighed and shook my head. "Sherlock thought the drug was in the sugar, so..." I paused in thought for a moment and then smiled, "... he put the sugar in your coffee, the one he made when we were questioning Billy and Gary. You, John, disregarded it as Sherlock's negligence to remember how you like your coffee."

"I arranged everything with Major Barrymore." Sherlock added whilst John sighed exasperatedly. "It was all totally scientific, laboratory conditions- well, literally. I knew what effect it had on a superior mind, so I needed to try it on an average one." I snorted a laugh as John looked up from his plate to argue. "You know what I mean." Sherlock said before John could speak and he went back to eating.

There was a moment while John ate that I was unsure of how he would take it and what he was going to say next. "But it wasn't in the sugar." John stated and I internally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, no it wasn't, but how were we supposed to know that you had already been exposed to the gas?" I shrugged and turned back around to face them both.

Sherlock nodded in agreement while John just tried not to smirk at him. "So you got it wrong."

"No." Sherlock retorted and I went to say something to agree with John but Sherlock glared at me so I closed my mouth.

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