Chapter 1

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"Agh! You stupid bitch!"

He stumbled back a few steps from my unexpected blow. 

I used this time to run out of my cell and down the stairs. Unfortunately, my legs decided to not work and I fell down more than half then rather than run, but I'll take what I can get. I heard them yelling in the staircase behind me but I kept going. When I reached the ground floor I ran past all the other cells, ignoring their calls for help.

"Help me!"

"Don't leave me!"

"You're not gonna get far."

"You got any chocolate?"

I ran up the set of stairs that led to the outside and burst through the doors, I was free!

 I was confused when the world suddenly turned upside down when the guard outside flipped me over his shoulder and I was staring at his ass. 

"You thought you could escape, huh? You're just as stupid as we thought. I guess i'll have to carry you like the idiot you are."

 I grunted but said nothing as he dragged me along against my will. He was at least twice as big as me and tall apparently since the ground seemed so far away on his shoulder. He was still an asshole but kind of a semi-decent asshole, ya know? Way better than ugly Marty or perverted John.

"You have a nice ass," I commented after a minute of silence.

"I know."

"Do you have a mate?"

"Don't make conversation with me just because you're desperate to get some."

"Don't flatter yourself, just wanted to know how your mate would feel about you treating someone like this."

I felt one of his steps falter.

Yikes, looks like I hit a home run.

"I'm just following shut up."

A few minutes later we were in front of the pack house. I haven't been up here before so it kind of felt like an honor that he was so lazy he couldn't come to the dungeon this time.

He opened the front door and set me down. Awh, he didn't throw me how swee- 

My thought got interrupted but being thrown around by my collar and shoved forward, and my stupid ass tripped over the door frame and face-planted.


"I don't know how you've managed to live this long."

"Me too."

He grabbed me by my collar again and I managed to stay upright this time. I decided to look around the house considering it's been so long since I've even seen one.

We were in a giant sitting room I think, there were chairs and couches and 2 TV's and....people!


They all turned to me and suddenly I regretted saying hi. I got a brief look of disgust and they all turned around. It looked like I wasn't the only prisoner to come up here. when I see the Alpha I'll have to tell him about his lazy technique. That should be fun.

We went through the whole house but he decided to blindfold me so I would stop saying hello to everyone I met, which is probably for the best. After he guided me up what felt like a million stairs there was an abrupt stop.

I felt him move behind me and I got nervous for a second before I felt his hands start to remove the blindfold and I let out a sigh of relief.My blindfold came off and I was faced with a large black door and the end of a hallway. The hallway had red walls and a red carpet with gold designs, making the black door have even more "rawr I'm a big bad alpha" vibes.

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