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-3 years later-

-Sakura pov-

Hi, I am Sakura Ichijouji a first year at Hoshinomori Private Magical Arts High School. And I came here to fallow in my mom and dads footsteps. To pick up were they left of at. Well at this point you are wondering what makes my sparkles. Well singing! I would never give it up for the world. As I walked through the front gate my story began.

Once I stepped in I saw so many sparkles everywhere. There is not one place we're sparkles was not shining. It's almost out of a fairy tale. But I can't believe I am here. As I walk I bumped into someone. He said "Watch were your going! Don't go around and disrespect your senpai like that!"

He looked down at me. I said "I am sorry, I didn't want to cause trouble."

At this point the hole school was looking at us. Then someone stood behind me and said "Hay Riku you don't want to cause trouble on the first day. And plus she is new, she just got here. You should show respect."

Then Riku walked away like nothing happened. The guy that stood up for me said "Sorry about that Riku is usually like that around new people. But hay my name is Asahi Yamamoto."

I said "It's nice to meet you I am Sakura Ichijouji."

He said "IChIJouJi.?."

I said "Yes that is right. Is there a problem? You are slowly backing away."

He said "Oh look at the time I should really get going. Bye! See you later!"

And he ran off. I herd a voice I herd before. I looked be hind me and my dad was there. I said "Hi I didn't expect to see you so early in the year."

He said "well I came to see what all the ruckus was about. So care to explain?"

I said "Well it's going to be a long story."

He said "Ok then let's go to my office."

If you did not know already my dad is the vice principal and the adult super vizier for all the events. And my mom is the manager for all the events.

We walked to his office and I sat down. He said "So can you explain to me what happened? And with no details left behind."

I said "Ok it started when I bumped into some guy. And he scolded me for not watching were I was going and telling me I should show more respect because he is my senpai. Then some other person stood up for me and I found out the name of the person that was scolded me was Riku and the guy that helped me out was Asahi Yamamoto."

He said "Did anything else happen?"

I said "no not really."

He said "Ok you may leave now come and visit me anytime you want."

I said "Ok bye dad see you later."

I walked out of his office and someone was waiting if front of his office. He said "So you are an Ichijouji?"

I said "Yes. And can I help you with anything"

He said "Well I should be helping you. Hi my name is Reo Nakamura a 3ed year here. I am a part of the helping comity. Petty much we help all the new students."

I said "It's nice to meet you Nakamura I am Sakura Ichijouji. But you can call me Sakura."

He said "And you can call me Reo. Now let's get started with the toor of the school."

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