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-Teika pov-

I woke up early in the morning hearing crying from the room next door. Kohana woke up and went to the room were we heard crying. I followed her to the room. We saw our daughter Sakura crying. Kohana picked her up and said "good morning Sakura."

We all went to the kitchen and Kohana got out a bottle and she warmed it up and fed it to Sakura. I said to them "Well good morning Kohana, Sakura."

Kohana looked at me and smiled "looks like someone got up early today."

I laughed and sang a sweet song diamond roses started to appear out of thin air. Floating sparkling around the room. Sakura had black hair and green eyes. With that Sakura attempted to grab one of them. As I finished the song the roses started to disappear. Sweet little Sakura was looking around confused what just happened. I rapped my arms around Kohana from the back and kissed her on the cheek.

-time skip 9 years-

-Kohana pov-

Today we are throwing a party for Sakura's 11th birthday. I just remembered the day when I gave berth to her that was one of the most happiest days of my life. Well accept when Teika proposed to me. Well in the past 9 years Sakura wanted to have a sparkle like me and Teika but she tried almost everything at this point. She always wanted me to teach her how to flower arrange but I am always so busy with work and everything I hadn't had a chance to. Same with Teika he is always busy and doesn't have the time to teach her how to sing.

So for her birthday present I am going to teach her how to flower arrange.

-time skip to the party-

-Still Kohana pov-

"Ok Sakura I have a very special present for you this year." I said

"Ok mom what is it?" Sakura said

"I am going to teach you how to arrange flowers just like me, ok?"

Sakura's eyes sparkled and she said "thank you thank you thank you!"

I smiled at her and said "it's no problem."

"Ok let's start with something simple." I said

She said "ok let's do this!"

She flowed me step by step. To be honest I was just making it up along the way I wonder if that what my mom did. Then after it was done mine had little butterflies coming out of it. But Sakura had no luck. I said "you can't just copy me or else you will never find your sparkle and I learned that the hard way."

She said "what do you mean by that?"

I said "this is my sparkle not yours. And everyone has there own sparkle you can't copy it. So go ahead make up something have fun."

She said "ok"

She was cutting placing, cutting placing even know it was her own design it still did not sparkle. I said "It seams like this is not for you. I know you have a sparkle you just need to find the right thing. Hay did you know today is a Saturday so your dad is coming home early Sakura."

"He really is! Do you think he will teach me?" Sakura said

I said "Well it is your birthday so probably he would go out of the way to teach you."

Sakura said "yay I can hardly wait!"

The door knocked I said "Sakura that must be him go please open the door."

She said "ok mom."

I fallowed her to the door as she opened it Teika was waiting for us to open the door.

He said "I am home."

Sakura jumped it to his arms and said "Dad you teach me how to sing just like you?"

He said "Well how can I say no."

They went into a empty room and Teika was teaching her the basics of singing. I got some tea and set it on the table in the room. Of course in no time Teika had made diamond roses float around the room. Sakura tried and had a single butterfly float across the room. Sakura's eyes sparkled and she said "My first sparkle!"

I said "I told you one day you would get your sparkle."

Teika said " Sakura you have a very nice singing voice."

Sakura said "Thank you! I never expected that I would get my sparkle from singing."

I said "we didn't expect this two but we are happy for you. Hay when you get to high school you can go to the school me and your dad went to. So continue to work hard for me and your dad."

He said "And I will continue to teach you how to sing."

I said "I wonder if she is going to be the queen. He"

Teika said "haha very funny. But she is someone that might be. Since her sparkle is sing now hopefully my brothers don't put a lot of pressure on her."

Sakura said "hm what are you to talking about?"

I said "oh it's nothing just that you remind us of when we were young and a lot of stuff happened and we are just remembering those times."

Magic kyun renaissance Teika Ichijouji x Kohana AigasakiWhere stories live. Discover now