14. just roommates...

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harry, mike, and caroline

"Styles, I'm asking one last time today

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"Styles, I'm asking one last time today. Will you tell us anything?" The exhausted officer in the interrogation room with Harry appears to have had it with him today.

Especially since Harry is keeping his mouth shut still, aside from his snarky remarks, something I need to work on with him.

"You'll do a lot of good for a lot of people if you talk. Save families from more heartbreak, give us here a break, and let Agent Forbes finally return to her normal life, hm?" Officer Chris, that I don't know too well, starts to circle Harry in an intimidating manner, while Harry sulks, just staring down blankly at his cuffs that are linked to the table.

"Maybe call this confession one last streak of good before you're charged for all of the shit you've done and put behind bars," the officer suggests in a clipped tone before blurting, "Don't you realize that you're only prolonging the inevitable?"

"I must say," he continues, coming around to face him, "you act pretty calm for a guy who's going to be spending a lot of time in jail. The press and the sheriff want you caught and served on a silver platter, and we're going to get there, Styles!" He slams his hands on the table, his outburst only causing Harry to glare up at him, a deep-seated scowl on his features.

Immediately, I click on the intercom from the observation room, looking at the two through the double sided glass and interfering before the two rip each other to pieces.

"Chris, that's enough. There's no need to remind him like that, okay?"

For my first time allowed to watch a weekly follow up interrogation, I'm a little upset at how rude they are to Harry. Maybe it's because of our personal talk we had in the early hours of the morning, or how much nicer he's been with me today, or that he and I seem to get each other on a different level I had no idea about. I can see that deep down, Harry is a sweet guy, though he won't ever fully let me see that, but only show me temporary glimpses.

It's getting me closer to where I need to be on this case.

Regardless, menacing a suspect in such a way will only trigger them to keep quiet even more, and it's not right. That's not how you question someone, and he of all people should know that.

Officer Chris slams his right palm on the table again and tilts his head down, frustrated that I stopped him.

"Caroline, are you defending him? If you don't remember, he's a serial killer," Chris raises his tone with me. "How many more women does he have to kill before you finally decide to turn him in?"

"That's enough, Chris!" I raise my voice back. "I'm doing my job correctly. Maybe learn how to do yours more efficiently, and he'll talk."

Harry's eyes linger on Chris's defeated movements when he goes to uncuff him from the table. A lazy smirk forms on Harry's pinkish lips as his cuffs are unlinked from the table and I see him look straight through the double sided glass with a mischievous look, probably hoping to meet my eyes.

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