13. unprofessional

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"Are we ready for this?"

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"Are we ready for this?"

"Of course we are," I assured Ryan again, mindlessly checking my gun holster tightness and gear, then tightening my blonde ponytail.

His eyes were still filled with nerves, but I knew he was just as anxious as I was to finally complete our first real mission. If this goes well, we will move up from the easy investigative drug busts and start doing the real stuff: attacking more of those on the most wanted list.

This was a major change from our usual work. Ryan and I had never had to actively shoot someone. The drug busts usually ended after some threatening by arresting the idiots. But shooting, mainly for defense, was new ground we were about to uncover.

"Ry, it's okay. I believe in us. We can do this," I had encouraged him, placing my slightly shaking hand under his chin after he placed his helmet on, oblivious.

Clearly, I was nervous too. The drug busts never got too heated, at least the ones Ryan and I were dispatched to since we were practically FBI babies. We really just investigated and arrested for years. Now we were messing with real murderers, criminals, and terrorists.

We got ourselves and the other special agents on the mission with us in the van that was transporting us to the location. This was not their first most wanted case, so Ryan and I had also been worried about letting them down since it was ours.

"Forbes," the leader of us addressed me a while after we got situated and started driving, "Review the case."

I cleared my throat, looking over to Ryan who gave me a small, encouraging grin before I replied, "Jason Derek Green. Male over 45; exact age is unknown due to his different stories. Wanted for multiple cases of first degree murder, drug possession, and armed robbery. Tied to California, Nevada, and currently in our location, Arizona."

"What are we dealing with, Baker," he stopped me, making Ryan continue.

"He's thought to be in possession of a .45 millimeter handgun and an AK47. However as he is now robbing an artillery base, it's uncertain."

The mission leader, Special Agent Grant, nodded in approval, and Ryan lowkey gave me his hand for a high five, proud of the two of us.

"Memorizing a case and investigating is just a small part of the mission. Taking action is the majority. You'll learn it over time. Don't get too excited," Agent Grant advised, and Ryan retracted his hand.

The drive out to the military artillery base in the sweltering Arizona heat went by in a blur, my nerves distracting me most of the way. No amount of advice from McCarthy, training, or support can prepare you for the feeling I was having.

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