Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

I loved how everyone referred to it as ''. 


"Speak of the devil," Levi murmured, but we each took a box each, labelled with our names. My present was the smallest, but...

"Another iPhone?" I questioned my mum, not believing the Apple logo that was on the black box. "An iPhone?"

"Why are you so shocked?" My mum said, smiling.

"Do you actually trust me not to..." I paused, while all three other people watched me. "...drop it out of a tree again?"

My mum gave me a debating look. "Well, I mean, I got you a cheaper model because that iPhone was expensive...but hopefully you're happy with it?"

I got up and gave my mum a hug. "Thank you! I love it!" My mum threw her head back and laughed, and patted my back. 

"Check your box again," my mother said, a string of happiness and pride in her voice, and I knelt back down again. It was a new, expensive set of Swiss coloured pencils, and yet again, I squealed with joy and thanked my mum a million times. Levi had received some band merchandise and a book about people who had made a big impact on the world - Levi had always been interested in world peace and changing everyone (how he was going to do that if he couldn't change himself, I didn't know), although the interest had seemed to be replaced with love for partying and texting. However, he looked elated at the new book to add to his collection. Aiden also got a guide to programming and some fancy pens for school.

I was busy testing out my new pencils whilst listening to Mariah Carey proclaiming that all she wanted for Christmas was some dude, when the doorbell rang.

"Oh!" My mum put a hand over her mouth, as if she had forgotten something. "Thomas and Susan are coming to have Christmas with us today!"

I dropped the azure coloured pencil I was holding. "Thomas is coming? And who's Susan?" I wasn't particularly confident about seeing Thomas, seeing as the last time we'd been together, I had tried to commit suicide, he had kissed me and he had calmed me down.

This was going to be very awkward.

"Susan's Thomas's mum," my mum said, walking towards the door. "Since they said they weren't going to be doing much today, I thought that they might like to come over and spend Christmas with us!"

"Ahh," I said to myself as I heard my mum open the door. Of course; I had met Susan the day I went to Thomas' home, and she was quite possibly one of the sweetest people in this world. I could see that she was working so hard for her son and cared so much for Thomas, and wasn't obsessed with how poor she was - she just kept working. Susan was so incredibly caring and loving.

The door opened and I heard my mother greeting both visitors, and before I could stand up and push my chair in, Thomas had already ran into the lounge and wrapped me in a tight hug.

"Argh-Thomas-you-strangle-ing-me," I croaked in the death hug. Thomas took that as a sign to finally let go of me, and he stepped back, grinning. He was wearing a Rudolph themed Christmas jumper and carrying a present.

"Merry Christmas, Lexi-Lex!" Thomas said happily, a wide grin on his face. He handed the wrapped present to me, and while I watched my mother introducing Susan to Levi and Aiden (I saw Susan make an uncomfortable face when it came to Levi), I was grateful to have Thomas around. Thomas was a pretty hyper and cheerful person. The kind of person I would connect with Christmas spirit.

"Merry Christmas, Thomas," I replied with the same amount of joy in my voice. "Wait, let me get your present." I left Thomas to go and talk to the others, and hopped up the stairs to the stash of gifts I had bought when I went to town with Aiden. I was still in a good mood as I searched through clothes and pencils that were scattered around the floor for Thomas' one - a book on chemistry. It was an expensive one that I knew he didn't have, and I was hoping he'd enjoy it.

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