Drunk on Love - Part 1

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Foreword: This is my first fanfic! Please leave feedback and enjoy Min Yoonji and Taekook!

This fanfic has smut, fluff and angst. It is essentially a love story.


He couldn't help but stare. She wasn't like the other girls. This he knew for sure. The way she tilted her head slightly back, as she laced her fingers through the hair tie, pulling her raven hair into a laxed ponytail sent shivers down his spine. Her movements were soft yet precise. Her face looked aristocratic, smug even. The hint of a smile traced her lips as she casually sipped coffee and he knew she was not only aware of her immense sexuality but also of the longing that swelled inside every male in the room. They all longed for her. This was apparent in the way his fellow male classmates shuffled in their seats, shooting wanting glances from behind their notebooks. She quite literally had them "by the balls" and Jungkook was determined to have her. He had never been so sure about anything in his life except his ability to win whatever came across his path....and he was going to win the heart of Min Yoonji.

The shrill ring of the school bell startled him. He had been so smitten by her. So enwrapped in his own imaginings of this mysterious creature who had graced his presence only 40 mins ago, that he had barely remembered where he was. He became self conscious suddenly. Was she aware he had been staring? He quickly slammed his notebook shut and pushed his chair back abruptly, slamming it into Hoseok's desk accidently.

"Hey Jungkookie! Watch it."

"Ah..hyung my bad."

Hoseok beamed a smile at him that could rival the sun and Jungkook shot him a smile back as an apology. What the fuck was wrong with him? He had to get a grip. Min Yoonji, the vixen who he had been eyeing the entire class, grabbed her bag and headed for the door. She did not exit however. She stopped and eyed the small piece of paper in her hand which he assumed was her class schedule. No time like the present to introduce himself, he thought, and he started to make his way over when suddenly, Taehyung dashed beside her, and through his arm around her shoulders. "Fuck he's fast" thought Jungkook as he walked slowly toward the door so that their conversation was in earshot.

"Min Yoonji right?" Tae said.

Min Yoonji did not respond right away but looked at him sideways. "Yes" she replied questionly.

"Im Taehyung.. but you can call me Tae. I'll show you to your next class. Just follow me." He flashed a smile at her that screamed "trust me, I'm cute as sin" and she nodded in agreement.

Jungkook's heart sank. Tae always had a way with women as he was so confident and Jungkook had to admit, handsome. If not for Yoonji removing herself from Tae's grasp he would have gave up all together. But then again, Jungkook was not accustomed to losing. He was #1 in all sports and an extreme perfectionist. He was top in his class and was counted on by the other students to bring the team home in all competitions. Competitiveness oozed in every fiber of his being and if this was to be the competition then so be it.

Unfortunately Min Yoonji was not in next class. Was she in Tae's? Ahhhh...the thought of it killed him. He could see his hyung now, laughing, oozing aegyo, making Min Yoonji melt into his hands like chocolate. He shuffled in his seat uncomfortably, folding his arms and throwing a look that could produce daggers. So many girls in school liked him yet he had never had a girlfriend. He was picky and shy. Two traits that did not create in him the playboy type that he secretly longed to be.

The class ended and Jungkook grabbed his things and hurried down the hallway, his eyes searching furtively for her. For Min Yoonji. He spotted her! He smiled happily, like a 3 year old who has just been given a piece of delicious candy and he made his way toward her as she struggled to open her locker. He couldn't help but eye her delicate figure as he approached her. Her gorgeous legs, tiny waist, elegant frame...damn was he whipped.

Drunk on LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora