The No-Named Toddler

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~Jackson's P.O.V.~
After her surgery was done Mark and I worked on her burns. About 20 minutes later she started to wake up and then she started crying. After 3 minutes of hearing her cry, I couldn't take it anymore, it was breaking my heart. I threw off my gown and gloves and got in the hospital bed beside her. I wrapped one of my arms around her back and my other one around her stomach and pulled her close to my chest and she rested her head on my chest. We stayed like that till Mark finished tending to her burns, and by that time there was a big crowd doctors and nurses "awwhing" and gushing over 'how cute' it was.

I entered the cafeteria and saw My girlfriend April sitting with Callie, Meredith, Cristina, Lexie, Arizona and Alex at our usual table.

I went over and kissed April on the forehead and went and sat beside Callie and Alex. 

"I heard you stopped a little girl from crying, by giving her a hug!" Mer said all excited.

"Who knew pretty boy was good with kids" Cristina said while stuffing her mouth with salad.

"Hey April, Jackson's gonna be really good with your future kids" Alex told her. I looked over at April and saw her blushing and then I noticed I was too.

"Jackson's blushing!" Lexie half yelled.

"It's cute how he's blushing at his future kids" Arizona explained.

"Whats the little girls name?" Callie asked. I mentally thanked her for changing the subject.

"Doesn't have one" I told them while stealing one of Callies fries

"She lived 2 years of her life without a name! Thats sad!" Alex exclaimed.

"What about her parents, how did this happen to her?" April asked.

"Her dad burned her, and shot her and her mom slammed her leg in the door, held her hand in river water for a long time and hit her with the baseball bat" I told everyone with a town on my face.

"How could anyone do that to their child? Especially if she's THAT cute?" Alex asked then took Cristina's burger.

I heard my pager go off and I looked down at it.

"Crap she's coding" I said before running off to her room.

Cliffhanger I know and im sorry but wait for the next chapter, it's short but very happy!

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