Chapter 13: Found Out

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You sighed with relief as you finished cooking the last course, carefully placing it on a plate.

For the past few months you've been creating a steady routine for yourself: work on weekdays, find jobs and kill on weekends. If you had time, you would have a little late night rendezvous with Sebastian, which was always good. He would always leave before you woke up, and you would always find all of your stuff shifted through. Same old, same old.

Luckily, Ciel invited your next kill to a dinner party, and you were just about to serve her dessert. You would poison the woman, but your client specifically asked for her head on a silver platter. So you settled for a bit of a bloodroot herb in her slice of cheesecake and a little bit in her coffee cup to make her run to the bathroom.

"For the last course, a slice of raspberry cheesecake with the choice of medium roast coffee or Darjeeling tea." You introduced, smiling as you stepped into the dining room.

As you made your rounds around the table, you kept an eye on your target, who was sitting by an older man. Her name was Jane Austin, one of the only lady gamblers in England. Her bright red hair and big blue eyes made her hard to miss in a crowd. Supposedly, she took your client's whole life savings in a game of blackjack. And, by the looks of her cleavage poking out of her blue dress, she was going to try to gamble with the young lord next.

"Tea or coffee, madam?" You asked as you finally got to Jane's seat.

"Tea please. Cream and two sugars." Her silky voice purred, sending shivers down your spine. You did as she asked, setting her dessert in front of her.

She stirred her tea before drinking it, and you stepped back and waited for the herb to kick in.

Ciel continued to discuss business matters with the adults next to him as Jane turned green.

"Ms. Austin? Are you alright?" Sebastian asked, earning the look of Ciel at the young gambler.

"I think I'm going to be sick..." She mumbled, running out of the room with her hand over her mouth.

"I will go with her to make sure she's alright." You stated, following after her.

~Time skip brought to you by Ciel covered in sparkles~

You slipped on your mouse mask, the sound of constant vomiting echoing throughout the bathroom.

"Oh god.." Jane breathed, her voice ragged. You pulled her long hair away from her neck as you lifted the axe above your head.

"You have been a wonderful house guest, Ms. Austin, but it is time for you to meet your doom." You jeered, sending the axe down on her neck.

The axe made a clean cut through her tissue and bone, making blood spurt from the wound. You smiled as you stuffed her head in a burlap sack, pulling off your mouse mask.

"Y/N! The young master was looking for y-" Finny hummed, opening the bathroom door.

Bloody hell!

His eyes widened at the sight of Jane's headless corpse and trailed down to the mouse mask in your hand.

"Y-You are the Silent Mouse. The murderer that has been on a r-rampage for the past few months. You k-killed Ms. Austin." He stuttered as you kept the smile plastered onto your face. You dropped your mask, walking up to him

"I prefer the term 'assassin for hire', but yes, I did kill her." You answered, bowing slightly and grabbing his wrist. Your fingers latched on as he struggled to get out of your grasp. Your strength was superior to his, to his surprise.

You pulled a pistol from your belt and aimed it right in between his eyes.

"Now, if you don't want one of my favorite silver bullets lodged in your temple, I suggest you listen very very carefully." You stated, pushing the gun further into his temple. A small whimper escaped his throat at the action.

"I want you to take Ms. Austin's body and throw it into the woods. Then, run back into the dining room from the front door in hysterics about her body. Once everyone has gone outside to investigate, you will meet me in my room and tell me everything you know about everyone living in this mansion, including you. If you try to tell Ciel anything about me, I will not hesitate to kill you. Understand?" You explained and he nodded, a sheen of perspiration shining on his forehead.

"Good. I would hate to kill someone I've grown so close to." Pulling the gun away from his face, Finny let out a relived sigh.

Good things can always come out of bad situations.

~Time skip brought to you by Ciel creating new toys~

"I do hope that Ms. Austin is alright. I've never known her to be sick because of a dessert." Mr. Taylor, another guest at the dinner party, worried as he sipped on his champagne.

"Do not worry yourself. I am sure she is fine." Sebastian assured as Ciel sipped his tea beside him.

Suddenly, the main doors flew open, revealing a distraught Finny. His eyes were wide with fear and he was breathing heavily.

"My lord! I just found Ms. Jane's body in the woods! Her head is gone!" He exclaimed, and all of the guests gasped in surprise.

"Finny, you stay here while me and Sebastian investigate." Ciel commanded and he nodded as the guests followed the young lord out.

As the last guest went outside and the main doors slammed shut behind him, Finny fell to his knees on the shining marble floor.

If they only knew who I was really afraid of.

Wow this is really late

Hope you enjoyed it anyways!



P.S: I'll add the gif later,

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