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my heart started beating faster every second as my eyes rested on kevin's.

"what are you doing here?" he chuckled, putting his arm on mine. i shrugged it off, shaking my head.

"i came here with a few friends," i whispered softly, partially lying. "w-what are you doing here?"

"i couldn't miss out on this event," he said. "it's the best one out. who are you here with?"

"that doesn't concern you." i said, walking past him. kevin grabbed my wrist, pulling me back. he looked right into my eyes, seeming nervous.

"claudia, look," he said, not breaking eye contact. "i know we ended off on a bad note, and even if i shouldn't be the one apologizing since none of it was my fault, i'm sorry."

i raised an eyebrow, and opened up my mouth to say something, but was interrupted by him.

"and i know this whole encounter was unexpected and that i'm not in the right place or time to be saying this," he continued. "but i miss you. a lot, a-"

i stopped him, laughing. "kevin, i know what you're getting at. you can stop right there."

he stared at me blankly for a few moments.

"i want you back, claudia."

i widened my eyes, shaking my head in amusement. his eyes were still full of blankness and confusion.

"that can't happen." i answered.

"w-what do you mean? why?" i sighed, wanting to get out of this situation. "haven't you heard? i-"

"claudia!" a voice yelled behind me. i turned around, finding jack running towards me. he looked straight at me, nervous.

"are you okay? you've been gone for a while." he said, trying to catch his breath.

i looked down at the time on my phone, finding that i had been away for a while.

"wait, what's he doing here?" kevin asked, angrily. "you brought him along too?"

jack shifted his eyes to kevin, becoming angry.

"i brought her here. she's my girlfriend."

"what?" kevin shrieked, looking at me. "you guys are dating?"

"yes, and?" i crossed my arms.

"i didn't think you'd move on that fast, claudia," he whispered. "but him," he said, wagging his finger at jack. "jack gilinsky, of all people!"

"i guess madison's comments are finally coming into play," he continued. "you are a hoe."

i fixated my eyes on him, boiling with anger. i turned back to jack, trying to hold back my tears.

"let's go, jack."

he shook his head. "no, i won't let him get away with this."

jack pushed me out of the way, throwing one punch at kevin, which had him laying on the ground, punching jack back. there was a large crowd formed around the scene, with yelling coming from a majority of the people.

the brawl turned into a messy, bloody one, with jack being flipped over onto kevin, and then him being under jack.

"kevin, stop! jack!" i yelled, running to the two of them to tear them apart. i gripped my hand onto kevin's shoulder, pulling him back. he turned around, pushing my arm off and shoving me to the ground, staring at me with anger in his eyes.

i was sat down on the ground, my mouth hanging open in shock as i let my tears run down my cheeks. i just sat there and watched the two go at it, feeling hopeless.

"woah, what's going on?" i heard johnson yell from behind me. i turned around quickly, finding him standing there shocked. he looked down at me, running to where i was.

"claudia, what happened?" he asked, helping me up. i didn't bother to speak, and just pointed at jack and kevin, who had sammy standing in between them.

"claudia?" he asked again.

"i just had a little run-in with kevin," i said. "then jack came and they started fighting. i tried to stop it, but ended up getting shoved to the side."

sammy walked over to us, with his arm around a bloody-faced jack.

"let's get out of here before he gets in trouble," sammy said, looking over at jack. johnson nodded, and put his arm around me. we left the scene, which had plenty of people yelling and video taping. i took one last glance behind me, finding kevin standing there, with that same, angry look in his eyes.


this chapter wasn't all that good but at least i updated lol

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