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Today I'm meeting with Jay-Z at a restaurant in New York. I just left doing radio interviews and I really didn't dress to impress today.

I walked inside the restaurant and the hostess immediately took me to where he was seated.

"Hello Ms. Knowles. Nice to meet you." Jay-Z said. He stood up to hug me and pulledmy chair out.

"Nice to meet you too Mr. Jay-Z." I said. He laughed.

"You can call me Shawn." He responded.

"Okay & you can call me Beyoncé." The waitress came & took our orders and left.

"So what did you have to ask me since our last phone call?" Shawn asked. I sipped my drink before answering.

"Well I'm working on my solo project that's coming out next year & want you featured on the song that'll be my single." I said.

"Okay cool. When would you like for me to hear it?" He said. I smiled because I didn't think he'd say yes so quickly.

"Umm whenever the right time is for you really. I have the song with me so we can start this week if you want?" I said.

"How about today?" He said.

"Today like after we eat?" I said surprised.

"Yeah I don't want you waiting and I know I'll have my verses in mind as soon as I hear it." He said. I agreed and we continued talking until our food came. I ordered a chicken pasta & he had steak with potatoes.



Me and Bey, yes I already came up with a nickname, are at the studio listening to her track. She called it Crazy In Love & it's dope as hell so far. After the third listen I had my verses ready so I stood up from the couch & walked to the booth.

I gave my engineer a head nod & he cued the music. I rapped my lines & placed my headphones down. I stepped out of the booth & stood beside Bey to listen to my part. She bobbed her head along to the song, and had the biggest smile ever. Damn, she so fine but I think she with somebody.

"Shawn I love it! Thank you!" She wrapped one arm around my waist and gave me a side hug.

"No problem Bey. You sure it's okay because I could do another take?" I asked.

"No it's perfect! I also want this song to have a music video with it so you'll be okay with that too?" She asked.

"Yeah babygirl just let me know what's up. You have my number right?" I asked.

"Yeah I do."

"Okay cool."

*Few weeks later*

Me & Bey just left a Houston Rockets basketball game and we're now heading back to my hotel

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Me & Bey just left a Houston Rockets basketball game and we're now heading back to my hotel. We've grown to become great friends these past few weeks so since I'm performing in Houston tomorrow, she decided to show me around her city.

"So I've been meaning to ask you but are you single?" I said.

"Yes I am. Are you?" She asked.

"Yeah I am." She looked at me like she didn't believe me.

"Why you looking at me like that?" I said laughing. She rolled her eyes.

"Because I know when guys lie and you are definitely dealing with a woman. You may not have a title on it but you're with someone." She said.

"Alright there's this one girl I see from time to time but she's not my woman & I am single." I said honestly.

"Hmmm so are you leaving Houston right after your show?" She asked. By now we had took our shoes off and were sitting kind of intimately on my couch. We had the TV on but we weren't watching anything in particular.

"Yeah we got Atlanta next so I'll be heading there. Why you gone miss me?" I said tickling her. She was laughing so hard she snorted. I busted out laughing.

"STOP.TICKLING.ME...SHAWN!" She said between laughs. I stopped and we both calmed down from laughing.

"You already know the answer. We've been hanging out lately & it's fun talking to someone besides my girls about stuff." She said.

"Yeah it is...sooo I have another question for you but you don't have to answer." I said. She looked up from laying on my chest and awaited the question.

"So where's your daughter? Like you mention her sometimes in interviews but we never see her at all." I said.

"It's because she didn't choose to be in the spotlight like I am so I keep her protected at all times. When we're out either my mom or someone in my family watches her." She said. I nodded my head.

"Would you like to see a picture?" She asked.

"Really? Yeah I would." She stood up and went to her purse. She pulled out a picture and her daughter is definitely the cutest little girl I've seen.

"Wow she's beautiful. How old is she?"

"She's 2 1/2 years old and her name's Yara." She said proudly.

"Yara that's pretty. I can't believe you showed me a picture and told me her name." She sat back down and cuddled up next to me.

"Well I feel comfortable around you so that's why." I smiled and we continued chilling until it was time for her to go.

*****COMMENT, VOTE!******

Do y'all sense a relationship forming for the two?
How do you think Beyoncé's baby daddy will feel about their relationship?

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