Chapter Thirty Five- So, you say your boyfriend's a big fan?

Start from the beginning

"How come I don't get to go shopping?" He teased, pouting.

I slapped his shoulder. "We're buying Christmas presents, you doofus!"

He grinned again. "Okay, I'm good. I like surprises."

"So, where should we go first?" I asked Josh as we got into the mall.

He smiled gently. "I need to pick Luce a present. And I need a little help."

I looked around and saw an adorable little boutique and dragged him in there. "Shoes."

He hung his head. "I already bought her shoes."

"Which ones?"

"Christian Louboutin," he mumbled.

I gaped at him. "You brought your girlfriend Christian Louboutins? You're so adorable!"

"Yeah yeah. Just help me pick something else," he muttered, still slightly pink.

I looked aorund the shop and realized that there wasn't really anything on the shelves that Lucy wouldn't want.

"Buy her a giftcard for here," I told him, sure that she'd love it.

He quirked an eyebrow at me. "A giftcard? What kidn of lame-ass present is that?"

I punched his shoulder lightly. "She'd like everything here; get her a giftcard and she can pick."
"But gift cards are cheap presents," he mumbled.

"Money isn't everything. And they're not if you get-"

I was cut off by Josh screaming "Ohmygod! it's Adrian Gonzalez!"

I shot him a flat look. "Who?"

"He plays for the Red Sox?"

"That means nothing to me."

Josh rolled his eyes and darted out of the store, into a nearby sports shop.  I followed him, and as I caught up he dumped a baseball into my arms.

"pay for it," he insisted, shoving me towards the counter. I did as he told me, figuring it was better not to question it.

When i was done, he dragged me back into the main mall and up to a tall, slightly chubby man with dodgy facial hair.

"Asrian!" he yelled.

The man sighed and reluctantly turned around. "hi."

"Sign this please?" Josh demanded, shoving the ball towards him.

"Oh god, I am so sorry about this," I mumbled. "My boyfriend is a big fan, and I was wondering if you could possibly sign this for me? I've been so stuck on what to buy him for Christmas; guys are hard to buy for."

Adrian smiled at me, looking visibly relaxed. "Sure. You look kinda familiar, do I know you?"

I ducked my head. "No... but a lot of people do know me."

"You famous or somethin'?"

"No. My dad was."

"Who's your Dad?" He asked curiously.

 "Jonathon Parker."

"No shit! Gee, how you holding up, kid?" He asked, placing a large on my shoulder.

"F-fine," i mumbled.

he cleared his throat. "So, you say your boyfriend's a big fan?"


"How about I sign this for you and give you some tickets to the next big game?"

Josh screamed. No kidding; the guy actually screamed like a little girl and started dancing around happily. "Man, Sam is gonna love that gift!"

"Why are you so happy?" I muttered.

"Sam's gonna freak! I'm so happy for him! This is awesome!" He screeched.

"Sorry, he's a little, umm, colourful," I told Adrian.

He chuckled. "I can see that. Who should I make this out to?"


he scrawled soemthing acorss the ball and fished in his pocket, producing two tickets. "here you go sweetheart. After the game, give your name to security and they'll bring you both back to meet the team."

Josh screamed again.

"Th-thank you," I mujmbled, shooting the guy a smile.

"My pleasure; see ya!" he tipped his baseball cap and sauntered away, hands in pockets.

I spun on Josh and slapped him across the back of his head. "calm the hell down!"

"But this is so cool!" He said, grinning like a fool.

"yeah, yeah," I muttered.

We spent another few hours hanging out and doing a little more shopping for everyone else before Jake came to pick us up.

"OhmyfreakingGod guy, you'll never guess who we ran into at the mall!" Josh yelled as we dragged our bags into the living room.

I kicked him. "You can't tell them!" I mouthed.

"Who?" Sam asked, barely looking up from his game.

"Umm, Lucy!" He lied, grinning at everyone.

I let out a sigh of relief and clamboured onto Sam's lap.

"have fun/" he aske,d chucking the controller onto the couch next to him, not even bothering to hit pause. Bless him.

"yeah it was great," I murmure,d kissing him gently.

"You buy me a Christmas present?" He aske,d smirking.

I nodded.

"What is it?"

I giggled. "Not telling you."

"But what if I don't like it?" He teased.

I slapped his shoulder playfully. "Trust mne; you'll love it. Even your mom can't top this one."

He rolled his eyes. "Well, duh... She just gives us money."

I grinned. "Yup, definitely beats cash."

"I'm sure it's great."

He was right there. But the guy had no idea just how great his presents were.

** I am sorry for not upddating in over a week (I think; haven't actually checked). I don't really have an excuse, I just struggled to wriote the chapter. Sorry, but I hope you like it! :) **

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