Chapter Thirty Five- So, you say your boyfriend's a big fan?

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I knocked on Josh's door quietley, surprised that he wasn't out yet. He didn't answer, so I carefully swung the door open and blinked when I found him fully dressed, hunched up on his bed.

His head whipped aroudn when he heard me, and he grinned. "You're running with me today?"

I sighed, feeling awful. "Yeah. I'm really sorry I haven't been around much lately, Joshie," I mumbled.

He jumped up from his bed and threw his arms around my waist. "It's alright, I understand," he whispered.

I chuckled lightly and hugged him back, pressing my face into his soft hair. He was like a brother to me,  and I'd pretty much ignred him for weeks. Wasn't I just great?

He yanked away after a minute and started bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

I grinned and followed him as he raced out of the house, happy to be running again. The wind whipped through my hair, and I noticed how cold it had gotten lately. I mean, duh, seeing as it's Christmas next week.

"Hey Joshie, you wanna come Christmas shopping with me today?" I asked.

He shot me the biggest smile I've ever seen. "Hell yeah!"

I giggled, and we ran the rest of the way in comfortable silence. That's what I liked about Josh; he didn't feel the need to fill silences with conversation.

When we got back, I grinned at Josh and ran off to the kitchen. I made Sam a cup of coffee, just the way he liked it, and myself a cup of tea. I was so going to get called English for that, but I didn't really care anymore.

I put the drinks down on the cabinet beside his bed and softly shut the door behind me before I jumped on him. As he slowly woke up he curled his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Morning beautiful," he mumbled, and I swear my heart stopped. How adorable was that?

"Morning gorgeous," I replied, rolling off him to cuddle into his side. "I made you coffee."

He opened one eye to look at me, and smiled gently. "Really?"


"Thank you," he said, sitting up to drink it.

I clamboured onto his lap, and he adjusted me so I ended up straddling him.

"I like this position more," he explained carefully.

"Yeah, I can tell that," I mumbled, glancing down at his little friend beneath me.

He smirked at me and leaned forward for a kiss, btu I put my hand firmly on his shoulder.

"No. I have to get ready. I'm going shopping with Joshie," I told him, brushing my lips over his forehead before skipping out of the room.

Rummaging through my wardrobe, I realized that there were winter clothes I'd never had in there. Jenna must have done it, bless her. I pulled on black skinny jeans, a tank top, a cute grey sweater and my trusty black Vans.

My door burst open and Josh grinned at me whiel i shot him a disapproving frown. "I could have been getting cvhanged."

"But you weren't, so we're good. Let's go!" He chirped.

"How we getting there?" I asked. I still hadn't gotten around to learning to drive.

"Jake's dropping us off."

I did a little victory dance. Jake's car was the best; it was so comfy! I followed Josh out and found Jake waiting for us in the hall. I jumped on him and he chuckled, spinning me around.

Living with the Lockhart Boys [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now