The Meeting Begans

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The paved avenue that the International Preservation Society was located on was a quiet little street just west of Parliament. Haverston Lane was the streets name with a fair number of large manor houses were located on the left side of the dark street. They were the remaining few manor houses in the area owned by actual lords and ladies. Once London began its industrial age tenement housing was more the norm popping up in and around the area in the blink of an eye. The remaining elite decided further out into the country was by far better suited for their tastes what with the ever in crouching common housing popping up all around their once grand manors. The one Sam Murddock bought was once know as the Canary House. It's former owner was a very elderly Lady Whitman Chisel who of course raised birds for a living hence the giving name of the manor house. The few remaining owners of the remaining manor houses held a great hope that once Lady Chisel and her oversized bird house bit the proverbial Big One and was planted into the family cemetery in the highlands of Scotland. They intended too band together too buy the house as a group from Lady Chisel's estate. The crazy bird lady did love her birds but was terrible at running the everyday needs of a large estate. the house itself along with the grounds came too a fit of disrepair for many years. So the group hoped too steal the estate for a rather nice cheap song. They then planned too turn the estate into an exclusive club for the remaining elite too get away from the common rebel that were ever growing just across the street from their homes. A collective cringe was felt by the group of elite investors involved when they were told by the swarm of overpriced baristers that in Miss Chisel will a very common American was to be the new owner of Carney House killing their club in an instance. The group tried too have it made known that Lady Chisel perhaps had ties too the Americas. That she was not of actual royal blood so this mysterious American had no right too own English property. A royal decree was hand delivered by royal messenger too each and every member of the group of owners. The rolled up scroll held the King of England hand stamped seal on each and everyone one of them. Each message was the same short and too the point. It read after each and her every group members name.

"The new owner of Carney house is by Royal Order a Knighted member of the Royal family. So in terms you my better understand. Your King informs you too get a collective grip. Sebastion Adrian Murddock is the owner of the aforementioned Carney House. "

Warmest Regards from your King

George VI

Needless too say the small group threw up their hands in despair as well as their hopes into the cold fire of the hearth and said "Fucking Bugger!" Sam Murddock worked extremely hard sparing no expense restoring the Carney house into the new home of I.P.S. The neighbors were semi happily impressed with Murdock's work at restoring the grand house too a newly revised beauty. The one thorn which every land owner around Carney house thought was an a front directed directly at them was Murddock choice too turn the thirty acre front yard into a park for the tenement people and children. The populace began too become spare as they in turn made their way too work for a living. A few mothers with their children still hung around the park but soon too would be heading in front the heat of the day. Olyn Dicon leaned casually against a lamp post appearing too be watching the few remaining women while they to watched their own children at play. Olyn was a rather large brute of a fellow standing a good six foot one. He was broad cross the shoulders with thick forearms weighing a lethal two fifty stone. His size upon first glance told you that Olyn had been a manual labour. His face was covered with a tightly clipped beard which if one was so inclined too take a closer look covered an assortment of scar's across his face. Olyn had at one time a long time ago been exactly like the common folk walking about their business around him. He had been a factory worker with a wife and two strapping young sons. Olyn had the misfortune of walking into a rather nasty industrial accident.  Olyn had acquired the pet name of "Lucky Bloke" from those that worked around him.  Olyn always seemed too be able too pull off the impossible impressing his employer a great deal. He seemed too have the ability too do dangerous work without sustaining even the smallest of injuries.   But as always was the way of life Olyn's luck finally came too an end late one night during a fifteen hour shift. Olyn and his partner Silva a young green behind the ears kid were pulling special duty on a special project. They were forming special panel parts for a steam battle    tank that was too revolutionize weaponry. The huge metal press they were working on that night had already taken three lives previously. But the supervisor in charge believed Olyn could get the job done. The pair of them had too muscle one thick part that was three foot by four foot into the double blank pattern before one hundred fifty ton ram pressed them into the desired shape. Olyn was like a work horse able too place two blanks one on top the other on one pattern . Then slide the other blank into the second pattern before engaging the ram. Silva worked desperately too impress his employer's as well as Olyn himself. The kid had after a good bit of work had finally been able too wrangle the two blanks into the first pattern. But Silva spent a far too much energy trying too out do Olyn which cost him. Without thinking Silva had engaged the ram before placing the second plate into the next pattern. Olyn had only a second too react trying too save Silva from his mistake. Olyn overnight to the ground moving fast like a rugby blocker knocking Silva too the floor only second before turning around too face the press. the huge beast of a machine was screaming trying too ram through the two inch thick plates. Olyn mind screamed for him too drop too the floor but before his brain could send out the needed instructions there sounded an earth rending crack. A shard piece of cast iron broke away from the upright that was the main framing of the huge press itself. The piece flew by Olyn which made his mind think perhaps his "Lucky Bloke" nicknames was fitting after all.   But as Olyn stood there a strange sensation seemed too come,over him. He lifted his left arm looking too see that it was in working order. But when Olyn tried too do the same action with his right. Olyn's life rolled into a totally different dimension. His benefactor did a kindness too him offering too set up his wife and kids for life. As a result of the accident Olyn had lost his right arm clear too the shoulder.  Of course Olyn jumped at the chance of providing for his family. But as no surprise too Olyn that deal came back with a heavy price. His benefactor paid for Olyn too see   a specialist in limb replacement that happened too be on staff in another company that he happened too know. The specialist was an expert at grafting  metal technology too the human flesh. Olyn looked at his metal right hand the steel dull looking even in direct sunlight. There was the faintest  hint of steam hissing at different articulated joints up the entire length of his right arm. Olyn had become guite apt with the new mechanical arm. But he did not have the heart too put his wife and children through his deformity. So His benefactor gave Olyn a knew job for the rest of his natural life. Olyn was grateful that His family would be cared for the rest of theirs as well. So he had no problem doing his boss bidding whether it be kosher or not.  Olyn reached into a coat pocket with his good left hand taking out an ordinate gold pocket watch. When he spied the time Olyn snapped the watch close replacing it back into his coat pocket. Olyn eased his huge frame up off the lamp post then moved heading away from the Carney Park,towards the tenement building. His slow casual destination was a five story building directly across from   the home of I.P.S. As he walked along  Olyn's mind struggled too wrap itself around the idea of the International Preservation Society. By all accounts in his research Olyn could gather it seemed nothing more diabolical than a simple gentlemen's club for two ex military gent's.  His benefactor seemed too be overly worried over the activities of two retired military gentlemen. Olyn had done some deeper digging into the life and times of Artemus Tanner. He seemed too be a silver spoon type that wanted too thumb his nose at his parent's. Artemus did serve England with distinction having been involved in several major battles. Sebastion Murddock was a bloody colonial  of all things who Merc himself too the King. But Olyn had too be impressed with Sam's military career. Sam had been a wonder in his life as an officer in the King's Royal Guard. Olyn paused at the steps leading up too the entrance too the building he was heading for. This particular building held all the needs Olyn wanted too complete the job at hand. It was the center most building with the best direct line of sight too the front of the Carney House. Earlier before Olyn had planted himself against the post too watch his surroundings. He had placed small scraps of white cloth at different intervals between this building clear too the park itself. Even as the children played He would casually watch the children as well as glancing at different intervals  eyeing the strips that were close enough too see. The wind gently blew giving Olyn's gauge of the winds velocity and direction. He turned back taking too the stairs with ease. Olyn let himself into the tenement building like he had lived there for years. Olyn stopped short before crossing the threshold.  He took a half step back holding the door open. A brunette tentively stepped through the door throwing the rather big hulking brute a small nervous smile. "Thank You, governor." Her soft British accent was like the birds he had been watching earlier singing away too each other. Olyn nodded his acknowledgement too her watching her backside as she hit the sidewalk. Olyn finally tore his gaze away from the woman continuing on too his objective. The entrance hallway too tenement building was dark and cozy but very well wore from the traffic of the common people going about their everyday lives. The smells and sound were totally alien too those people that Olyn worked for. But for Olyn Dicon everything around d him at that moment brought back plenty of warm fuzzy memories of Olyn's former life. On top of all that Olyn quickly got back  too the task at hand he had been assigned too do. Olyn cleared the first and second landing like a sprinter which belayed his actual size. He loved the looks from anyone he came into contact with who thought him too be a slow lumbering behemoth. They soon would learn  the error of that assessment once Olyn Dicon began waylaying into said person. Olyn was midway across the third floor landing having not run into a single wayward soul. A door too his right popped open suddenly which caused Olyn too reach for the small needle gun fully prepared too end whom ever saw him. A warf of a little girl no older than two or three looked up to Olyn through a tangle of bright red curly hair. A single sky blue eye stared up at Olyn without a single shred of fear. "What are you doing mucking about out her Mistet?" The small little lady spoke with an authoritative tongue for someone so young. "Mum is dying in here and needs some peace so the Angel's will come." Olyn started down at the girl amazed at someone so small was being so strong. "What pray tell makes you think I'm not and angel?" He queried back with a hint of a smile on his rough face seeing so much of his daughter in this strong willed small package. "An angel don't have a bloody metal arm silly." The warf smiled back an Orlyn. He couldn't help but chuckle a little thee nodded approvingly too the little lady. "I will try to be more quiet and direct any and all angels your way the minute I bump into one. Orlyn nodded too the good little lady then continued on his way down the hallway. "You had better you big oaf." The little redhead shot back quietly closing the door behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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