❌ Marrying

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Taehyung's son, Eunwoo, came home one day with a face that could not be read, stomping in anger and plops down the couch in such a force. Taehyung noticed this and quickly rushed to his child's aid, leaving his newspaper and reading glasses on the coffee table.

"I hate him, dad. He annoys the heck off of me." Eunwoo huffed angrily, crossing his arms. Taehyung chuckled and ruffled his son's hair, "You know, I had the same experience when I was also about your age. There was a boy that always causes me trouble and doesn't seem to keep himself away from me, to the point that it was extremely irritating."

"And? What did you do, dad? Did you punch him?"

Taehyung hums, looking at Jungkook through the sliding doors leading to the garden, he and their baby daughter playing with bubbles, "No," he smiles contentedly at the sight. "I married him."

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