"What do you mean? Like masks?" I asked.

"One of them I could see his eyes. They were greenish-yellow. Like a- Like a firefly," He described.

"Security system wasn't triggered," I said, glancing at dad worriedly.

"Then how did they get in?" Allison asked.

"They didn't. It was like they came out of the shadows," Isaac corrected her.

"Do you know what that means?" Allison asked dad. I looked at Dad only to find him staring at the walls, lost in his thoughts.

"Dad?" I waved a hand in front of his face. Dad shook his head, blinking rapidly while coughing.

"Um I'm not sure. Listen, the three of you, I need you to keep this quiet for a few hours," Dad said while getting up.

"From everyone?" Allison asked dad.

"Just 24 hours," Dad negotiated while walking towards the door.

"They could've killed him Dad," Allison called out. Dad stopped walking and sighed while turning around.

"But they didn't. And I think there's a reason why. I think they might have been after me."


"I need to talk to her," Scott said after explaining to us what had happened last night. Kira had  gotten abducted by an electrical engineer turned mass murder named William Burrows. Kira had also apparently absorbed the electricity, killing William in the process.

I hadn't bothered to go and I can tell how disappointed everyone was and how confused they were. Well, everyone except Stiles was confused, he was just disappointed.

"No, you need to remember someone left a coded message telling Barrow to kill her," Stiles explained to Scott.

"Which is why I need to talk to her," Scott clarified.

"Scott, no way. Until we figure out if she's just another psychotic monster that's going to start murdering everybody, I vote against any and all interaction," Isaac explained to him.

"What if she's like me?" Scott asked hopeful.

"That girl walked through 1.21 Gigawatts of electricity. She's not like you," Stiles patted his back. Scott bit the inside of his cheek and nodded, finally giving in.

"Ugh my eyes are still watery from Malia's den," Stiles whispered to himself, yet I was the only one who heard.

The bell went and that was my queue to leave the rest of the pack and start walking to class. I heard footsteps run after me while I was holding my books against my chest.

"Kay wait!" I heard Stiles call out. I stopped and spun around to be face to face to Stiles. Stiles blushed and took a step back, fidgeting.

"Um, why- why didn't you come to help us find Malia. Are you okay?" He asked quietly.

"Yes, peachy," I grimly smiled at him, turning back around to walk to class.

"Wait!" Stiles called out. I closed my eyes and sighed, turning around to face him once again.

"Yes Stiles?" I asked impatiently. He begun bobbing up and down, glancing anywhere but me.

Dove -Stiles Stillinskiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن