"Alright have fun~" Laurence said teasing Travis who was now blushing light pinkish red.

Travis left and Laurence Continued to get Garroth a blanket.

A few minutes a big crash of thunder came and Laurence heard Garroth shreak that he bolted down stairs to check on him.

"Are you ok!?!?"

"Yeah, sorry! Thunder just freaks me out and stuff so...."

"Its fine, here is a blanket. You should get rest, tommrow we got a big exam coming up."

Garroth nodded and went to sleep as Laurence layed down beside, him waiting for Garroth to be fully asleep then he soon let himself drift to sleep.

Laurence dreamed about what happened to his family years ago.
               ~°•°The Incident°•°~

"Yes Laurence?"

"I think... I think I'm gay.."

Larence's mom stares at him in disgust and anger.

"I didn't raise you to be a Fag!! You were a mistake and all I tried to do was make you do what I wanted!! You are disgusting! I never wanted you! I always knew your brain was fucked up and that you we're never going to be normal! I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU ARE EVEN HERE! YOU ARE A PIECE OF LIVING SHIT! NO ONE WILL LOVE YOU!"

"Mom... this isn't you! You always said you loved me! That you wanted me! You said I could be whoever I wanted!"

"You're no fun to fool! Ugh bring his mother! Hello son,I'm you're dad, the one who made you! You're mom did A shit job protecting you cause now look! She is gonna die! And you're gonna watch HER DIE! SHE NEVER PAYED ATTENTION TO HOW YOU ACTED! ALL SHE WANTED WAS LOVE AND YOU WERE THE ONLY THING SO SHE KEPT YOU! SHE LIED SO MANY TIMES TO MAKE YOU HAPPY AND THAT'S WHY SHE MUST DIE! SHE WILL NEVER CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT HERSELF!"


Laurence looked afraid.

"I-I'm sorry! I really did try to care! And I do now! I lo-"

Before Laurence's mom could finish, she was impaled and fell limp and lifeless to th cold hard ground of the underworld.

"NO! MOM!"
           ~°•°Laurence Wakes Up°•°~

Laurence wakes up with sweat and tears running down his face.

Garroth was calmly next to him snoring.

Laurence decided to lay on the floor, he was shocked how Garroth didn't realise but to Laurence, it was good. He didn't want anyone to find out about who he really is and how he is here.

"Mornin Laurence" Garroth said cheerfully while yawning.



"What you want for brekfest?"

"Uh pancakes sounds good."

"Alright I'll be quick!"

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