Chapter 1 Crossing Over

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Rays of sunlight shine through the mismatched shutters that covered the windows of the fundamental Baptist church of San Isabelle. A long name for a somewhat broken down building where an American missionary Pastor held services for about twenty dear Mexican folks. As the sun rose higher in the sky, the pastor, his family, and a handful of church workers set up for the Sunday school crowd which consisted of four 1st graders and the pastor's daughter. This was a special day for the pastor, his family was visiting from the united states; just as they had done for the past four years. This is the sixth anniversary service for the church.

Sunday school started at 9:30 sharp, but at ten o'clock a stranger stood in the main doorway. In his hand, he held a sawed off 12gauge shotgun. Soon after, four other strangers walked in.

"Hey preacher! I need some denaro." One of the men said.

"Protection huh! The preacher knew what he wanted.

A tall Mexican boy with a scar across his left cheek walked through the back door of the church.

"Something like that hombre, you see; you had a new member last week! He's coming back here today, cause, well lets put it this way, he didn't want your stinking religion, just a place to hide a book that he stole from our boss."

"Tear the place apart, I don't care, get your book, but leave my congregation, and my family alone!"

"Oh preacher man, that could be a problem. See we got orders to kill him and well dis is the only place we can get the rat."

"This is the house of GOD you ain't gonna kill anyone in here!" The big preacher shouted.

"Hey! You don't tell us, we tell you. You're in our country now.....stupid."

"Jose, have some respect el mono. The preacher man will help us.........he's a man of GOD!"

"I ain't helping you do nothing!"

"Who's little girl?..........preacher man, if you want to see her again; you do what I say!"

"The pastor had a temper that was worthy of any good Irishman, and the idea of any man threatening his children made him see red. The big preacher grabbed the shorter man by the throat, and squeezed as he lifted him off the floor.

"What's going on here?" suddenly A man appeared, and then vanished out the front doors.

"That was him!" one stranger shouted.

"of course it was stupid, go get him!!"

They chased the man down, while Two other men came from behind and knock the pastor out.

"Gave you a chance gringo......should of took it........kill them all!"

A little boy ran towards the door at his mothers command, but one of the killers grabbed him, and threw him into the wall. Pulling out a pistol, he intended to shoot the boy, but the man was stopped when the boys mother pushed him.

"No momma NO!" The boy screamed as the man fired off a round striking her in the knee.

"You gonna pay for that." The man picks up a two by four and starts hitting her.

"Pedro.... finish them off we gotta go."

"yeah ok boss." Before Pedro could take another swing, he felt the bowie knife on his hip sliding out of its sheath, then he turned with barely enough time to respond. The boy drove the ivory handled knife into the big man's chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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