My life

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Dear person/ someone who still cares to read this,

So you might be confused from my last writing like who's Abby and why were you scared of her......

To put this nicely I hate her she says I'm a boy she also punches me and one time she threw my laptop out a window she didn't just drop it but killed it Then I had to pick it up and throw it away so no more fanfics for me anymore.
Sad isn't it but moving right along with the questions no I haven't seen my mom before I'd maybe had but forgot . Miss cane is miss and not Mrs. Because She got an Devoice with her husband two years ago she turn a lot bitter since
then . I'm 15 years old been here at sunny skies adoption center for my whole life it's a only girls allowed building I don't know why but I think it's dumb. Well it's 12:00pm and I'm so tired so bye

Love and hate ,
Michel ( aka..worthless nobody)

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