Keep breathing

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Dear reader/ anyone who wants to read the crap I write

Mothers .... What do you think when you hear that




But that's not my mother ......... or it can ... I don't know .
It's been a long, miss cane scary name right made me write  in this book for no reasons well my names Michel you might be thinking hay that's not a girls name but miss cane she said that my mother wanted a boy and named me Michel. She also say I'm a mistake but sometimes I Don't listen but also sometimes I do when that happens I hide in myself on my laptop and read fanfics like Sherlock,Hetalia,and Doctor who and eat ice cream till I'm sick . My most peeves are people making fun of my ships and making fun of my grammar  . Oh No!!! Abby is coming in my direction I have to go .................           

                  Love and hate ,

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