Two Can...Quit That Game?

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Jackie scooted back his chair, but I grabbed his arm.

"Don't!" I exclaimed quietly so I wouldn't draw their attention.

"Don't you see, they think we are on a date, so they came here together. Lydia can't stand Michael, she would never be interested in him" I continued.

"And how the fuck do you know?" he challenged back sitting down.

I couldn't really reveal how, but throughout my pregnancy I told Lydia everything: How Michael treated me, not picking up calls, not showing up to appointments, and not being honest with his parents.

"I don't, but ignore it. If you feed into it, you are showing them you care." I quickly recovered.

"Damn it, Tayler I do! I love your cousin" Jackie said looking me straight in my eyes.

Just then I saw fire in his eyes, the flames engulfed Lydia as Michael held her close.

I have to admit I was a bit envious for a minute. Michael and I had a better relationship, we weren't adulterers. Why don't I see passion in Michael's eyes anymore?

"And you think I don't love Michael, think about this Jackie!"

This air was tight, it crushed my lungs and made my true feelings for Michael spew out of my mouth.

No matter how hard I try, I crave Michael. My body aches for him, my lips yearn for his, and my heart still calls out in hopes he would answer back.

Jackie looked in my eyes and put his head down sighing.

I looked across the room and I locked eyes with Michael. I'm surprised he could see me the way Lydia was up on him.I looked away hoping I was fast enough that he would forget I even had my attention on him.

"Two can play this game, what do you say?" Jackie asked.

"Huh?" was all I managed to say because I was distracted by the eyes of my ex lover.

"Two can play at this game, you playing?" Jackie mischievously smirked at me with a raised brow.

I took some seconds to think. I'm tired of Michael having control over me, time to cut the strings from my arms and do what I want.

I nodded and lowered my eyes to make them look flirty, I put my finger in a come here motion for Jackie and he looked shocked.

Not time to back out on me now Jackie.

Jackie scoots his chair closer to me and put his long arm around me, placing his other hand on top of mine.

I peeked to see Lydia giggling and close to Michael's ear and he sat there cheesing like a Cheshire cat.

Don't react Tayler! don't get up and choke them with your baby's umbilical cord.

Time to kick it up a notch. I pretended to whisper in Jackie's ear while playing with the buttons on his shirt, I inched back just to bite my lip.

I looked down and Jackie's dick was protruding through his bell bottoms.

What the hell?! I told you to play, not let me play with it.

"I'm so sorry baby, but you don't know what you do to me" Jackie seductively said in my ear.

He placed a chaste kiss on my cheek.

I was shook to my core and the seat of my panties were wet with my own juices. I don't know what made me hot someone talking dirty to me or someone talking dirty to me while my ex watched.

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