Say "Hi" to the Friendly Faces

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Four different angels woke up to a distress call, singled out to them over angel radio. Without thinking they flashed there, scared for their friend, not knowing what they would find.

With the overlapped sound of ruffled wings, the now wide awake angels stood in the bunker common room. Tripping over each other's feet, not expecting others to be appearing along with them. 

"Cas, are you ok?!" Gabriel was the first one to speak, his eyes jumping around the room looking for any potential threat. Finally, they landed on the trench coat wearing angel who was holding a small bundle in his arms.

"Yes, but-"

He was cut off by the Devil himself, "Then why the hell did you call us here then?"

"Well if you would be quiet we could tell you," Dean said as he walked in, the taller Winchester trailing behind him. "Four days ago we supposedly ganked a witch and Y/N got hit. Because we thought that the witch was dead we shrugged it off and went home. It was a four-day drive back here, we just got back about 6 hours earlier, than about an hour later Y/N turned into, um... Whatever this is."

On cue, Castiel unwrapped the bundle he was cradling. Two E/C eyes popped out scanning over the four unexpecting angels in the room. 

"She's a-" Michael started.

"Fledgling." Lucifer ended.

"Yeah... that," Dean confirmed, "A very problematic one too. She has been a bitc-"

"Handfull." Sam cut in, giving his older brother his signature bitch face.

Shrugging his brother off Dean continued, "Yeah a handful. So now we have to go back and kill the sonofabitch that did this to her."

"Due to her being such a handful," Sam continued, "We called all of you here to help Cas look and take care of her. Just for a few days, Cas is really gonna need your guys help."

"All of you," Dean confirmed. 

Walking up to Cas, Gabe looked at the now squirming little girl, taking her in his arms she immediately calmed down. Sucking on her fingers and staring into his eyes. "I'm in." He agreed.

"If it's for Y/N I'd do anything," Balthazar smiled looking at the child.

Lucifer looked at the fledgling in Gabriel's arms, his icy blue eyes softening for the first time in a millennia. "I would love to," The girl shifted to look at him, a smile on her face, almost like she knew what he said.

Michael looked at his brothers, for  the first time since he could remember they were agreeing, and they were happy. Something inside him warmed, turning towards the brothers he smiled, "It would be my honor."

They didn't know what they were getting themselves into.

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