Santo and ej part 2

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Santo pov
Me and ej have been talking here and there it's not that serious yet right now I'm staying with prince and
Ej and him are downstairs talking I'ma head down there

Ej-wassup Santo 😁😍
Santo-what up 😎
Prince-i saw that
Ej-saw what?????
Prince-those googly eyes y'all made at each other like I don't know y'all talking it's so obvious that ej is the bottom and Santo the top


Prince- I don't mind I'ma go Mike Calling

3 years later

Santo and ej got together and Santo cheated on him with Desiree and got her Prego and ej was sad so he hooked up with mike and Santo find out and beat up Mike and forced desiree to abort the baby so him and ej could be cool again and now there married and prince is dating prodigy crazy and that's how there life went


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