entry 5//11:49 am sunday

119 18 5

dear journal,

hoooo booooooy. i know you'll never believe it, but guess what i did yesterday

okay you took too long; i went over to pete's house. and i just got back from sleeping over and i'm listening to old kelly clarkson on my spotify playlist and i'm so happy.

so it was saturday night and was working on my geometry homework after dinner, so like 6:00. and it was still kinda warmish, so my window was open. my music was playing and was interrupted by a duck quack--the custom text noise i set for pete. 

"hey do you wanna come over??? i know we don't know each other well but i wanna b friends!" (Wentz, Text Sent On Friday). the address was also there.

i was conflicted. why? not because i didn't want to go over, because there was nothing i wanted to do more at that moment. i was conflicted because i saw his window was open. i wasn't sure whether to yell at him from across the tiny backyards or just walk over there.

in the end, i decided to McSneak and yell across.

which ended up being pretty funny. he yelled back that he was spooked. he also didn't know where i lived, and wondered how i knew that the house across from his was his house. now, i COULD have told the truth and said i saw him moving in, but i just shrugged. 

he told me to jump out the window, and i grabbed my toothbrush and pillow and i did. of course, i wrote a note to tell mom where i was, since she was out at work.

the night was really fun. we played just dance and guitar hero for like 4 hours and then i found out some things about him. i have a feeling i shouldn't tell you all of them, because the talk of This Boy is getting out of hand...but i can't stop myself. who am i gonna talk about him with? my friends? my family? bitch where..,,.

but the rest of the night was fun and we stayed up until 2..we even played board games at 1 am. in the morning we ate pancakes and then i left and he told me he might ride the bus tomorrow so he could talk to me.

i think this is turning into a beautiful friendship.

and--as of now--i won't try to push it to be anything else.

after all, one of the things he told me about WASN'T the fact that he was gay or something


Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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the boy with the navy curtains//petekeyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang