Chapter Four: Her Majesty's State Dinner

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     As I paced back and forth in my dorm room, waiting for Catherine to arrive, I perceived a knock at the window. I cautiously walked over and lifted the shades up. My jaw almost dropped to the floor after seeing who stood at the window. I cracked open the window and my face shifted into a reddish pink colour. I asked, "Why are you here?"
     "I came to see you," Prince Harry acknowledged, climbing into my room, who was followed by Prince William, "Where's your friend, Catherine?"
     "She's in the Dean's office," I replied, "Catherine and another student were in an altercation. Why?"
     "William came to visit her."
     I nodded and then he proceeded with a stutter, "I have something to ask you."
     I stared at him with an expressionless face. At this point, Catherine barged into our room infuriated by the result of her consequences with Maisie from earlier in the day. She glanced at me, then to Harry and locked eyes with William. She smiled and took William's hand. They took a stroll down the hallway even though it was close to curfew. After they left, Harry asked, "I was wandering if you would attend the Queen's state dinner with me as my date this Saturday?"
     "Great. I'll pick you up at 6:00 Saturday."
     I smiled as we plopped on to my twin sized bed. I fell asleep against his chest. By the time I woke up the next morning to prepare for class, he left and Catherine had been fast asleep in her bed. I made so much noise as I got ready, I accidentally woke Catherine.
     She looked at me with a tired look and asked, "What time is it?"
     "8:45 in the morning," I replied, " Its time to get up to attend class."
     "Yeah. About that...I'm suspended for a month."
I sighed then rolled my eyes and replied, "Okay. What are you going to be doing all day for a month?"
"Sleep...and party maybe."
I sat on my bed for a minute.
"Harry wants me to join him for the Queen's state dinner Saturday."
Her eyes bulged a little, hopped out of bed and piled onto me.
"Are you going? What are you going to wear?"
"I don't know. I guess we'll find out when Saturday night comes."
     Saturday night...
At 6:00, I heard a knock at the door. Catherine answered the door for me as I still finished getting ready.
"Good evening, Your Highness," Catherine stated, "how are you?"
"Fine, thank you. Is Alissynn ready?"
"I think she's just finishing up in the other room," she said, motioning Harry to come in.
I stepped out from the room and heard a gulp coming from Harry. I started blushing because I think I knew what he was thinking.
"I, uhh, uhh, umm. I'm at lost for words," he began, "you amazing."
I smiled and teared up a little. Harry walked over me and wiped the tears away. I don't think anyone ever complimented me. Harry held his arm out and escorted me to the awaiting vehicle out front. He drove us to Buckingham Palace but were ambushed by a posse of photographers. They were persuasive; they wanted to know who I was and my affiliation with the royal family.
"Sorry for the photographers. I sometimes forget how bad they can be," Prince Harry apologised.
"No problem," I acceptingly replied. 
Prince William met us at the entrance. Harry and William walked in front of me as I followed a few feet behind. They were joking with each other and smiling. I faked a little smile as if they were telling me the stories. Princess Diana stood outside the dining room door and ushered us into the room before Her Majesty the Queen arrived.
"Harry, William, Allissynn. Hurry before she arrives. You don't want to disappoint her again this time, unlike the last time."
As we sat in our seats, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, accompanied by her husband Prince Philip and her mother, the Queen Mother entered the room. Everyone stood from their seats as she made  her way around the room greeting people. She stood at her seat as a staff member pulled her chair out for her. Staff members served dinner to the guests shortly after everyone took their seats. I looked around the room and took notice I was sitting in the middle of Their Royal Highness's, Princess Diana and Prince Harry. William was sitting on the other side of Harry. I shifted my posture a bit. All the other guests were whispering to each other. I noticed their pointing and my cheeks blushed as always. I felt a sudden shake coming from behind. I twirled around and Prince William stood there with his wine glass in hand.
"Don't be nervous. They notice when your nervous. Half of the people here are usually self-conscious about themselves," he advised.
I gave it my best shot not to draw attention to myself but I became even more overwhelmed than before. I whirled to my right and said, "Pease excuse me. I'll be back."
Prince Harry just waved me off. I scurried into the nearest hallway and called Catherine's cell phone. She finally answered after a few rings and yelled into the receiver, "Hey! How's the State Dinner going?"
"It's okay I guess," I replied with frustration, "What's that noise in the background?"
"I threw a party since you were gone."
"Keep the party going. I'll join in you in bit."
"Hurry before the police or the dean-"
"Is everything alright?" said a voice coming from behind me.
I turned around slowly, curtsied and replied, "Yes, Your Highness."
"You don't need to curtsy every time you see me Allissynn. You only have to curtsy to the Queen and the more senior royals."
"Yes ma'am."
"I want to show you something. Will you follow me please?"
I nodded, picked up parts of my dress and followed her down a dark and eerie hallway. She entered a room filled with multiple and various musical instruments. In the middle of the room, stood a white and gold grand piano.
"This is where the most famous British musicians rehearsed for concerts performed here at the palace," Princess Diana stated, "Will you play something for me please?"
I picked up a cello and performed with my back towards the door. Queen Elizabeth II stood in the doorway listening to the music. She startled me when she applauded after my performance. Before she could greet me, I heard a violent vibration coming from the music stand.
"Please excuse me again for a minute."
"Of course," Queen Elizabeth responded.
I stepped out into the hallway and answered my phone.
"Are you coming or not?"
"Give me a minute!"

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