Chapter One: The Beginning

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        I recalled the first day I met her. She arrived at the University of St. Andrews to establish a quartet for the Queen's annual garden party. A foreman rushed in and announced, "Her Royal Highness, The Princess of Wales."
        She waltzed in with poise and confidence, as well as very determined and calm. Everyone stood from their seats, as rehearsed, and either curtsied or bowed as she made her way around the room, shaking hands and meeting the young musicians. When she greeted me, I curtsied and mistakenly stared at her light blue eyes. She whispered to me, "Follow me please."
        I did as she requested. She pulled aside three other musicians: one violinist, one violist and one cellist. I would be playing the deepest instrument there was, the bass. I played the bass since year six. Her Highness announced, "These are the four musicians I need."
        My old chum, Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, obnoxiously played the grand piano in the back corner. Her Highness halted in her footsteps. As she did, the crowd of people split ways and stared at them both. I became concerned than what Catherine was. She curtsied as they shook hands and as they made small talk, Princess Diana eagerly smiled at me. She excused herself from Catherine and gracefully walked over towards me. I made myself preoccupied but that didn't stop her. She personally told me in a hush voice, "I would like to personally invite you to join my family and me at Nottingham Palace for evening tea tomorrow."
        "Yes Your Highness," I replied, anxious and hesitant.
        Princess Diana departed for the other errands she had on her agenda. Catherine walked over to me, shaking in excitement. As she calmed down, she explained, "Her Highness invited me to Nottingham Palace for afternoon tea. What she say to you?"
          "The same thing."
          Seconds later, Eleanor, Niamh, and Maisie gaited our approach to the doorway. Word around school is they had the entire student body on their knees in fear.
         "You're not that special, I hope you know that," Maisie exclaimed.
         "Her Highness picked you because Professor Dickens bragged about you," Niamh added.
         "Are you jealous because Alissynn is in the quartet or because Her Highness invited us for afternoon tea?" Catherine backfired.
         "Neither!" Eleanor shrieked.
         They stomped out the music hall and headed towards their dorm rooms, located in University Hall.

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