“Azt kéne csinálni anélkül, hogy a szuka memóriájába.  Nem mintha szükséged lesz rá!”  Piroska was talking to Ipos.  I know she didn't have good English but surely, it couldn't be that bad.  What surprised me even more was the fact that he could stand talking to her without having to flinch away.  She was splashing everyone with her greying spit.

               “Öröm, Piroska, öröm.”

               Whilst they talked amongst themselves, I thought about the option.  Get my memory back and give a little bit of blood or live my life unknowingly.  I decided the former.  It was the best option, right?

               “If I do give you my blood, how will I know to trust you?”  I enquired.

               “I'm a man of my word, Immi.”  He informed me, trying to persuade me.  I still didn't believe him.  Something about him just screamed "liar!".

               “Imogen.”  I corrected.  Only my friends had the right to call me Immi and these two people sat in front of me certainly weren't in that category!

               “Of course.”  His smile seemed forced.  “I'm a good person, Imogen. I'm doing the world, and people like you a... favour.”

               “Ipos good man.”  Piroska finally spoke English!  It was broken, but I could at least understand what she was saying.  “He do you good.  He help.”

               “I-I've heard you've done some bad things.”  Was I going to tell him I'd seen a vision of him?  No.  I was still fearful as to what he would do.

               “Shouldn't judge people, Imogen.  It's not a good habit to have.  Anyway, people can change.  That Balt demon has changed, has he not?”  I didn't know what to say.  I didn't know Balt before, so how could I say he had changed?

               Taking in a deep breath, I knew my choice.  Something was nagging at me not to do it, but I was sure it would help me.  “Fine.  I'll do it.”

               Simultaneously, wide grins spread across both Ipos' and Piroska's face.

               “Good.”  Ipos drawled out.  “Follow Piroska to the... the... the memory room.”  He stumbled over his words which made me at unease.  Where was he letting her take me?

               “Come, kurva.”  She returned back to hissing at me.  Making my way over there, cautiously, I saw that she was a lot taller than me.  Maybe even taller than Balt.

               Before I exited the room I glanced back to where Ipos was sitting, wondering what he was going to do.

               “No worries, I'll be down just as you get your memory back.”  He dismissed me and I followed Piroska.  The whole building seemed deserted and there were several closed doors.  Many seemed like they didn't even open and some had bars covering the door.  I could feel something seeping out from the barred doors.  It was almost like the feeling I had in the house.  That stupid house!

               Shuddering, I followed Piroska into a dark, stone room.  I felt that same crawling sensation again and something... I could hear faint noises.  Trembling, I walked over to where Piroska was hovering.

               “Lie.”  She motioned to the stone slab.  It didn't exactly look inviting.  There were some sort of language, or pictures, covering the stone.  The edges were chipped and looked as if they were stained.  Piroska didn't look happy whilst I was wasting time, observing the slab.  Not at all.  So, instead of angering her even more, I lay down on the slab.

               I could feel the cold seeping into my back and legs.  I was still only wearing Balt's top and I was worried.  It didn't bother Piroska, she was too busy jerking my arms to where she wanted them, spreading them to the sides.  This time, she used some sort of strap to keep them down.  She did the same to my legs.

               “It burn a little.  Then, Ipos tell you what we do.  Yes?”  Nodding, I watched as she took a dark bottle and a deep spoon.  The liquid seemed gloopy and it was as if there were bits in it.  I grimaced at the thought of having to drink all that.

               Somehow, she managed to put the bottle back and keep the spoon in one hand, no liquid was spilt at all.  “Open.”  She ordered before pouring the liquid down into my mouth.  Some dribbled down the side of my mouth.  As I swallowed the disgusting liquid, I thought she was lying.  Nothing was burning, nothing was happening.  Not until a few moments later.

               Thrashing my held round wildly, the pain too much for me to scream, it was like someone had shot something at my head.  That bridge I couldn't cross, well, somehow I was on the other side.  Everything came pelting back at me, whilst hearing the loud, piercing echoes of the screams of my sisters.

               Heaven.  Angel.  Demon.  Hate.  Love.  Safety.  Guardian.  Angels.  Fallen.  Father.  Everything I'd once learnt, everything I once knew.  I knew who I was.  I was Immi, a soon-to-be helper, stop people from picking the wrong option.  Make sure they didn't fall into temptation.  I was on Earth, I definitely wasn't at home.  I remembered the first night I met Balt, and met Ipos.  I now remembered exactly who he was.

               Turning my head to the side, as the door creaked open.  A malicious, yet victorious, smile was placed on his face.

               “You.”  I hissed, the tone of my voice not sitting well with me.  I didn't want to be angry but this man–no, this demon, was a monster.  His aura completely black, he had no regrets.  He wouldn't repent for his sins (not that any demon would).  He was the epitome of evil.

               “Nice to meet you again, Immi.  Welcome to your destiny.”

Fallen From Grace | ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें