Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 Annabel

Rico wouldn't shut up about Beth and how much he liked her, how much he thought of her and had for 'ages'. He didn't even know her. Maybe I was being selfish, but I was still aggravated and Rico was beginning to get on my last nerve with his constant admiration for Beth Watson.

"She's so cool though, and she's like one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen...along with you Annabel."

I forced a smile, still irritated by the entire situation. Maybe it was only because they were both my friend, and I couldn't stand the thought of them dating. If something happened between them, it would mess up my small unit, one I'd grown exceedingly comfortable with. Maybe I wasn't willing to give that up yet.

"Also, she likes my style. Do you know how many girls like my style? None; that's how many. She's just so...amazing."

This pissed me off even further. I was the one who liked his style! They acted like he was dorky, and painfully so. I looked at Eli, who yawned. He seemed very uninterested with the entire conversation, distracting himself by tugging at the skin around his nails. He was obviously not paying attention, nor listening to Rico.

"She also..."

"Shut up Rico! We know Beth. We know what color her hair is, her eyes are. We know she's nice, and friendly, and awesome. We know that she drives a pink car and that she's your new freaking best friend." I snapped angrily, the words coming out like a breath of fresh air. Realization set in like a bad cold. I was scared to lose the attention of Rico, and the emotions I was feeling were ugly and selfish.

If Eli wasn't paying attention before, then he was now. Rico was looking at me like I was a murderer or something. I sighed and headed for the door, regret settling inside me. I walked out to the parking lot, hoping to feel a cool breeze against my face, but frowning at the stillness in the air. Eli and Rico were probably talking about how I was PMSing. So what if I was?

Eli was hot on my trail after moments. Somehow, that didn't surprise me in the slightest.

"Where are you going?" 

"I'm leaving." I huffed under my breath, taking long strides to distance myself from him. Still, he was hot on my trail in his long-legged glory.

"In what?" he asked.

I turned around as I came to the realization that Eli had driven me.

"Eli, will you take me home?"

"Why? You and Rico need to talk this out." He insisted.

I grabbed my stomach in discomfort, milking the pain slightly so I wouldn't have to go inside and face Rico again. I didn't want to go back inside after making a huge fool of myself. So, I found a way to run away from the situation, a way I knew would work.

"I have cramps."

His eyes narrowed and then he nodded, eyebrows knitting together.


He quickly grabbed my hand, leading me to his car and helping me inside like I was a baby in need of care and guidance. He got behind the wheel and looked at me warily.

"Are you sure you are going to be okay? He asked.

I smiled weakly.

"It's cramps Eli, not a stroke."


For the next couple of weeks, Eli and I weren't fighting but we weren't getting along like we had before. I'm sure part of it was me. I was moody due to my dad's continuing desire to get Eli into Florida State. Then there was also Rico. Ever since my little blow out, Rico and I barely spoke and he never mentioned Beth. I was pretty sure he'd forgotten about her which made me feel guilty, remembering how cruel I'd been. I knew I'd been unfair, but I didn't know how to fix it.

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