Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Annabel 

On Saturday, I helped Lyla get ready, considering she had asked me the night before if I would. I'd only ever been to one wedding for one of my mother's colleagues but I didn't think there had ever been a more beautiful bride than Lyla. As I helped her with the long, flowy wedding dress, Beth Watson walked in, handing Lyla her flowers with a knowing smile. She stopped in front of us, hesitance clear in her features. I could have thrown up from the amount of awkwardness setting between the three of us. I knew it was merely in my head but Beth Watson was typically the last person on earth I would usually befriend.

"Hey Annabel, I saved you a seat. You can sit with me, Jane, and Marni if you want."

"Okay, thanks. I'll be out in a minute." I nodded, avoiding eye contact until she tugged open the door, preparing to leave.


She walked out after smiling once at Lyla, her look reassuring but it didn't seem to lessen Lyla's nerves. She continued fidgeting, nervous energy radiating from her being. I was about to walk out behind Beth but Lyla grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks and forcing me to turn around and meet her eyes.

"Hey Annabel..."

I met her eyes slowly and unwillingly, tugging my bottom lip between my teeth.


"Thank you for everything. I thought it would be hard with my parents not here but you have actually made it more enjoyable."

"It was no problem." I said, smiling and just hoping that my smile didn't seem as forced as it actually was.

I was sure I could have said more or maybe even hugged her but I could feel myself put up a wall and I had no idea why. I could see an empty place between Beth and the blonde, Marni. I debated on sitting with them or finding a seat at the back, which seemed more appealing. I knew I didn't have a choice when Beth turned around, waving me over.

"Hi Annabel!" Beth greeted as I sat down and I could feel the other two girls burning a hole in the side of my face as I got situated, straightening my dress by allowing my palms to glide down the silky material.


For a moment we sat in silence until she decided to start a conversation, the actual last thing I wanted to talk about; school.

" is your History project going?"

I thought of Eli and how he'd barely spoken to me, the way he always glanced up but never smiled or seemed to be interested in anything I had to say. He seemed rude but I couldn't judge him considering I wasn't much better in the talking department. Maybe like me, he was just quiet but I had a feeling it was something else considering I had never seen him talk to anyone.

"Don't take it personal if he doesn't talk to you."

"Who?" I asked, pretending as if I didn't know who Beth was mentioning when in reality, I couldn't stop thinking about the brunette with the dark irises.


"Oh, why do you say that?"

I breathed in hard, preparing myself for what she might say next. It didn't go unnoticed when everyone in town had a certain perception towards Eli. I couldn't figure out if that was a bad thing or if it meant he was merely misunderstood and exceedingly shy.

"He used to be cool. He used to even be kind of social. Marni here used to have a huge crush on him too."

Marni rolled her eyes, looking away from Beth and me.

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