TFAM: Chapter 10

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Answer: The Doctor. Her.

Dear Diary,

So many sharp instruments, so many murderous tools... I could kill him in an instant! Just thinking about what I want to use sends shivers down my spine. The excitement is real and so is the blood on the floor. I bent down and put my finger in the warm sticky substance, fresh, meaning he was just here.

"Oh Doctor, please come out, neeed to ask you something!" I said, grinning wickedly. I heard a faint cry in the corner of the room. I stalked my way over to the corner to see the doctor, holding a gun to his head. My eyes widened in surprise, my job may be easier than expected! But I raised my gun anyway.
The last words I heard out of his mouth was,"I'm coming Catherine." Right before he shot himself straight through the temple.

Boom! Did you get the secret message?! It read SUICIDE! Did I play you or what? (I'm pretty sure the answer to that question is or what cause...) Plz, vote and continue reading till this book is done!!

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