Chapter 36

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"No." The word was firm on Rey's lips, her voice unyielding even as her fists shook at her side. "That's out of the question."

Ben looked at her, his expression a strange mix of relief and pain. "Rey..."

"I'm not forgetting you just so I could be rid of this...this curse," Rey said, throwing her arms out for added emphasis. There was no way she was going to allow herself to forget Ben. Not even for this. "There has to be another way."

"What if there is no other way?" Ben pointed out. "What if making you forget is the only way to rid you of your powers?"

"Then I'll live with it," Rey said with confidence, even though she didn't feel confident at all. "I'll train. I'll meditate. I'll do whatever I can. Just...don't let me forget you."

Silence fell thick between them, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. Rather it was a silence wrought with an understanding that neither of them wanted to go through with the solution.

After a time, Ben released a trapped breath. "Alright, sweetheart. We'll find some other way."

" more secrets?" Rey asked.

"No more secrets," Ben repeated with a small smile on his face.

She wanted to believe him. She wanted to believe he was being completely honest with her again, but deep down, something was telling her he was still being guarded about something. But she would let it pass for now.


The sun had set by the time they reached the shuttle, and had Ben not brought his tracking device, they might have missed the ship entirely. At least the ship's cloaking device was working perfectly, Rey thought. As for the damage, it would have to wait in the morning, when it's light out and definitely less dangerous.

Dinner consisted of the same rations they had traded with Unkar Plutt earlier. It didn't taste like much but it was filling, and that was the important part.

Ben suddenly groaned and put both his hands in his hair, clawing them into fists.

Rey stood up from where she was seated on a storage box and put a hand on his arm. He flinched at her touch. "Do you still have a headache?"

He didn't answer. Not for almost a full minute. Rey could actually feel a dull ache behind her own eyes and she wondered if somehow Ben was projecting what he was feeling to her, though how that could be possible she wasn't sure.

After a time, Ben let out a deep breath and whispered, "Water..."

Rey nodded and hurried to the 'fresher to retrieve some water from the sink. By the time she got back to Ben, he was sitting upright on the storage box, his face still wan but otherwise he seemed almost back to normal.

He thanked her and downed the glass of water in a few swallows.

"Are you okay now?" Rey asked once he had finished drinking.

"Yeah. Just a headache. Nothing a little sleep can't fix." Ben stood up from the storage box and stretched his arms up over his head. Rey had already returned the cloak to him, and even though he clearly had no need for it inside the shuttle, he still decided to wear it. She allowed herself to be flattered. "Let's head to bed. We still have to fix the ship in the morning. Get out of this hellhole."

"And what happens after we fix the ship?" Rey continued to ask. "Where do we go?"

"I...don't know." He dropped his arms. "Probably to Jedha. There's bound to be some Jedi Lore remaining there. Maybe we can find something to help you with your powers."

What She's Worth (Reylo)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora