Chapter 10

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"Ben, I hear you have a female friend."

Ben was in the comms room again, in a rare holo call with his mother—only the second they shared this past year. The room was dim save for the glow of muted newscasts from across the galaxy being projected on gray, durasteel walls. Why Luke left them on, or why he was suddenly becoming interested in galactic politics was perplexing, though it wasn't something Ben dwelled on.

"F-Female friend?" Visions of summer sky eyes and sun gold locks danced in his head, the ghost of a musical laughter ringing in his ears. He ducked his head in what he knew was a vain attempt to hide his smile. "I...uh...guess you can say that."

"You've never told me about her."

"I never got the chance to." He looked up from staring at his boots and frowned. Communication was still bad, and he saw more static than his mother's face, but he was able to catch her look of concern. "If you're thinking she's only after me because of my lineage, don't. She's just like me. We can relate to each other. I've known her for years so there's really no need to worry." He found himself sighing too dreamily, and ended up a little embarrassed. "I like her, Mom. I really do. She's different from all the other girls in the academy."

Leia said nothing. If it was because of the interference, or some kind of comms delay, Ben wasn't sure, but he took it as encouragement to continue. "She's very kind. And...just...beautiful. She's also the only classmate of mine who actually thinks me as a real person, and not just a Skywalker or an Organa or a Solo. Like...she really sees me for me."

"This isn't the same ten-year-old girl sleeping in your room, is it?"

"Wait, what?" Ben started to laugh, but stopped when he saw his mother wasn't smiling. "No, Mom. You're confusing her with someone else."

"But is it true, that you share a room with a little girl?" Leia pursued.

"Yes, Mom, I do. I thought I sent you a message introducing Rey to you months ago."

"I got it, but it was so badly corrupted, I couldn't even view it." Leia kept moving around, her image sometimes disappearing from the holo, and Ben got the sense that she was juggling between working and talking to him. The fact that she called for him during busy office hours told him she must find this conversation urgent. "Does Luke approve of your sleeping arrangement?"

"Yes, Mom, he does. He always has." Ben felt annoyance begin to seep into his voice. "Why is this even an issue?"

"Dorlan Casthre was just here and mentioned it. His son told him that you and this girl share the same room." Leia's voice was grave and Ben felt the same sickening feeling he had when he first heard Herron Casthre's insinuations in the academy garden five years before. "'re my son. And I trust you. But maybe it's more...appropriate if this girl rooms with other girls her age."

His answer was immediate. "No."

"Why not?"

"Because..." He bit his tongue. How could he even begin to make his mother understand when she hadn't believed him for years about that monster? How could he explain about what Rey's presence was doing for him? The good it was doing to him? More likely, she would just think he was making excuses, he thought. "Rey's my best friend. She's practically a sister to me."

"Yes, I understand that." Leia nodded, hand waving dismissively. "But Ben, people talk."

"So what?" An image of his fist planted squarely on Herron Casthre's face flashed through his mind. He gritted his teeth. "I don't care what people say about me."

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