
4 0 0

                                I've                                                        been

              stabbed in the back                           and cut through to the

core. I've seen loved one's die                  and friends walk out the door.

I know the pain of being lonely and have dealt with the lack of friends.

 Everything runs together and the pain of it all blends. Every 'no' and

   'maybe later' puts more doubt into my mind. Makes me think that

        you hate me even if I have been kind. I always think about the

           past and the times I miss. A bullet through the heart would

                     hurt much less than this. If you don't want to see

                         than you could just say so. Don't lead me on

                               and on like you don't want me to go.

                                    I'm giving up, I've had enough,

                                      can't take the pain anymore.

                                        I'm going now, taking

                                           a bow, I'm leaving

                                                 you to soar

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