night 1 part 3

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I was brought into the backroom and their were these stairs es that lead a basement. I was taken down the stairs. the walls were covered in suits with bodies inside. I throw up. So i had to be cared by foxy the rest of the way down. I was going to freak out when we made it down, but i didn't for my safety. There was a hall way full of rooms. When i looked by their were windows that i could see the nightmares inside of. One had three green bunnies thay varied in height.
One came out and introduced herself as Spring. She wad a bit shorter than bonnie but taller than me. She got the other two and they introduced them theves ad Trip and Trap. Trip was my height a 13 while Trap was taller than bonnie and had these roses on her ears. i was locked in a room the rest off the night until 6 a.m. when i left.

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