Movie Night (BUGHEAD)

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Hey, guys! So I hope you like these so far. It has been slow going but I'm getting better (i hope) I'm taking requests so hmu in the PM XD

“Ugh, I hate this!” Jughead Jones exclaimed loudly, throwing up his hands in surrender. Betty put a hand on his arm comfortingly and sipped at the straw of her soft drink. The cup was empty and a loud slurping noise was made as Betty sucked at the bottom of the beverage. Jughead chuckled quietly, pinching the bridge of his nose. They were sitting in the back of Kevin Keller’s dad’s truck. Kevin had lent it to the couple reluctantly, making Betty swear up and down there were to be no fender benders or dings, no spilled drinks on the upholstery, and above all no sex! Betty agreed, so there they were. Betty and Jughead were sitting in the flatbed of the Keller pick up truck, one plaid blanket thrown over the pair and mountains of pillows behind them. At Jughead’s request they had arrived nearly an hour early, and while Betty was off getting them a large cherry cola and a bucket of popcorn (as well as a many bags of gummy worms or bears. Betty was shameless about her affinity of gummy flavored animals and annelitos), Jughead was busy clacking away on his laptop in the snuggly sanctuary they had built. Betty checked her watch, there was still roughly ten minutes until the movie began at 10:30. Slowly, she closed the screen of Jughead’s laptop. Only when he heard the soft click of it closing did he look up at Betty.

“It is quite complicated to write a novel about a murder that has yet to be solved. E

It is even harder when writer's block is involved.” Jughead sighed heavily, and leaned his head back against the cab of the car to look up at the starry blue sky that stretched over the small town of Riverdale. Betty smiled at her boyfriend. She reached out and held his cheek in her palm. He turned his head towards her, locking eyes with the beautiful blonde girl before him.

“Tell you what, you go get me a refill,” she shook the cup in her other hand to make the ice rattle around in the empty space, “and I’ll read what you got so far. Make some suggestions. Deal?” Jughead smiled and turned his head, as to kiss her slender fingers gently.

“Cherry coke?”

Betty nodded and pulled his laptop into her lap.

“Easy on the ice.” she called after him as he hopped over the side of the car and headed toward the snack shack, cup in hand. Wincing at the bright screen, Betty opened the computer. It had taken Jughead a few weeks to get used to the idea of being a couple, even longer for him to allow her to read his work, saying it was “a very unfinished and unrefined part of him”. But eventually Betty had broke him and she was finally able to read his work in progress. Betty was surprised at first. She hadn’t really known what to expect but she actually liked his writing, beyond the point of the required liking because of the dating thing. Betty liked his narrative, and the way he retold all their stories with a kind of objective voice that only a true night hawk and observer could use. Betty had grown a strange attachment to the novel, like a ghosting co writer would. As Betty scanned for the most recent chapter her breath caught in her throat as a quiet gasp. The chapter was about her. Or rather her family. Betty began to read furiously, her eyes scanning the fluorescent page at a dizzying speed. She didn't notice when her boyfriend came back. Jughead was smiling hugely, but the grin dropped a little when he saw the stricken concentration on Betty’s face. He leaned forward, over the rim of the  back of the truck and reached for her hand, his fingers danced hesitantly on the back of her hand. Betty flinched and her eyes darted to Jughead. Her expression softened.

“My parents are crazy.” she said after a lengthy silence. Jughead nodded slowly. A small smile spread onto the blonde’s lips.

“Yes. Yes, they are.” Both Betty and Jughead laughed. Betty tugged on the sleeve of Jughead’s black sweater, motioning for him to get back in the car. “But then again,” Jughead continued, “who's aren't? Everyone's home life is unsatisfying. If it wasn't, people would live with their parents forever.” Betty looked at him quizzically as he climbed into the flatbed again.

“Did you just quote The Breakfast Club at me??” Jughead handed betty the refilled beverage.

“Mmhm. I was hoping you would get that, I mean that movie is a piece of cinematic-” Betty hit Jughead’s chest lightly with the back of her hand.

“Shh, Mr. Cinema. The movie’s starting.” Jughead smiled and pulled the blonde closer to him, securing her into the crook of his arm as the credits began to role. Jughead didn't pay much, if any, attention to the movie. His eyes were trained on the beautiful girl resting against him. He watched the way her eyes grew wide and her breath sped up as she watched, completely unaware and absorbed in the film before them. Jughead couldn't hide the smile on his face as Betty turned her head to look up at him. She grinned, confused but comforted by the expression on his face.

“What?” she asked. Her eyes darted around his features, but his never left eyes. After a few more seconds of silence, in which the only sound was the faraway dialogue from the people on the screen and the low murmur of kids talking in hushed tones, Betty spoke again. “What?” Jughead leaned in then, connecting their lips in a gentle kiss. Betty reacted instinctively, matching her motions to his. Jughead could feel her smiling against his lips and he couldn't control the force that tugged the corner of his mouth up too. Betty pulled away and, giving him one last glance shrunk back into the crook of his arm.


“Yeah?” she answered, keeping her eyes straight ahead at the movie.

“I might just marry you one day.” At that she turned to look at him, a little surprised by the gravity in the words but also the certainty with which he said them. Jughead turned away, moving his attention to the screen for the first time that night. Betty looked at him in silence for a moment longer.

“I think I'd like that.”

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