Oh shit my boy

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I got tagged by the all beautiful HumbleTomato  if you like fire emblem you probably know her, and if you don't know fire emblem I suggest try Fire Emblem Echos when it comes out ;>~ anyways back to the tag ;))))

I got tagged by the all beautiful HumbleTomato  if you like fire emblem you probably know her, and if you don't know fire emblem I suggest try Fire Emblem Echos when it comes out ;>~ anyways back to the tag ;))))

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1.A phone.

2.If we're talking fictional, oh Lordy I have so many, if we're talking in irl then yes one guy at my school,

3. April 28th my beautiful hoes about a month untill it WOOP WOOP

4. Best friends Mkay let's go with this
If I didn't mention you it's either I don't really talk to you as a friend or I just feel like your too good for me :,)
5. Favorite song
Oh yeah it's changed now it's "Can't Sleep Love" I'm sorry but I love this fucking song so damn much

6.My biggest fear is probably being alone and my doggos dying which they will and I have to witness it kmn

7. My hair is black ish brown ish and extra fact what we call it in Taiwan is a "Asian Fro" best fro tbh

8.My favorite subject is in school is either digital arts,English,or chorus, if we're talking in general,art,Writing,Video games, and singing of course ;)

9.sports?Well basketball I only like it because of the sound the ball makes when you dribble it I don't know why but I really like the sound.

10.I guess I'll just tag the friends I don't wanna spam :,)

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