Tag or something like that

15 1 2

I was tagged by @xxLittleHatterxx so you get more information about me you stalkers.

1.do you have a crush?
Yes but he moved away, but hey I still stalk his social media.

2.Middle name?
Baku I know some people think it's "Baka" you weebs.

Last time I checked I was 5'1

4.shoe size?
I don't really pay attention to that

5.eye color?
Dark brown

6.Last time you cried?
Last night when I had horrible cramps

7.last song you listened to?
Well right now it is.

I love it

8.Last person texted?
I guess if kik counts it was MissMaskedMaria

9.favorite apps?
Definitely Fire Emblem Heroes,Musi(My music app), and YouTube.

10.tag 20 people
No. Here's 5

HaloSmashesU Hellooo
MissMaskedMaria sorry for mentioning you twice here :,)
caitlin0219 I haven't seen you do a tag yet but it's your choice you necessarily don't need to do it
finger_gun I believe in you
GhasterBlaster I dunno

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