Another tag!Yay...

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Thank you to our lovely tagger CoryXFrisk  which I think we all know her favorite ship (I ship them too!)and here is the tag,and if you do not like the use of cursing please skip favorite song.

Favorite song?
Fuck you ~by vocaloids seems like everyone's mind when they see that one person

Favorite sport?
Does video games count?Oh...okay,I guess basketball then

Favorite show?
Ah this question very easy since anime is a Japanese one and YouTube is the other one so my answer is,miraculous ladybug I SHIP EVERYONE IN THAT SHOW!plus season 2 hyyype

Favorite color

Favorite food
-ahem-I am like a weaboo so,noodles cup of noodles.THEY TASTE GOOD OKAY DONT JUDGE ME *slurps noodles*its hard not to slurp...

Favorite drink
Water,I hate pop

Favorite game?
Oho,you guys might've never heard of this (unless you know me in real life or there)it's a game called hide & seek mini game,YES I KNOW ITS FOR LITTLE KIDS but I met some real awesome people there!It will always have a special place in my heart (and if you wanna find me on there just look on the mystreet servers)

Now let's go threw my following people that I follow I'm only doing 5 but your supposed to do 15 but FLIP THE RULES MAN(plus most people I follow are either my first 10 followers or people that are busy)






Sorry if you don't want to be tagged if so I can take out your name,AND DON'T COWARD OUT IF YOUR JUST LAZY.And back to my life (aka the Internet)

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