Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The Invitation.

"Jack." I groan to my bestfriend thats trying to make me believe in her stupid supernatural stuff.

"Lil, really no joke I have seen one before and he told me I was something.... I don't remember the word but you gotta believe me!" She exclaims

"Jack, please just stop werewolves are..... NOT real, ok?" I tell her frustrated at her attempts to make me believe that she has seen a werewolf.

"But you remember that guy almost tearing your door down to get to me after I ra-.... Oh shit!" she gasps as she gets off the ground holding bleeding her side.

"Oh gosh Jack." I gasp "Oh my gosh you are just accident prone, huh?" I sigh to her letting her on my back.

She huffs and then lays her head on my shoulder "Damn right." she groans I giggle a little and she sighs her voice cracking "Do you think I'm crazy Lil?"

I sigh "Jackie your always crazy, I just hope you really are making this up." I reach my door and unlock the empty house. "Lil looks like your mom has ANOTHER late shift. When's the last time she was here to greet you?" Jack asks

My cold facade appears and I say in a monotone voice "Ever sense dad left us, the dick doesn't even deserve the title as a dad." I end up gritting out.

She hisses when I lift her shirt up, I look at the dull stick thats sort of in her wound I laugh "Damn this stick is dull and you still managed to let it stab you." She glares at me and rips the stick out and I quickly pour rubbing alcohol on it.

She screams in pain and I wince wiping the wound dry and start to stitch her up. "Brand new ehh?" she asks when I'm done I nod putting the first aid up.

I head to the living room and plop on to the couch turning the flatscreen TV on. A knock sounds at my door and I curse in Italian swinging the door open I look up at the dude "Hey." I greet him with a kind smile

"Sorry If I came off rude." I sigh he nods curtly "Are you Lilly Baxton?." I nod and he hands me a letter lined with gold Jack comes up behind me and huffs "Look dude I have tried to get her to date many guys and yeah she is like not gonna date you so Good luck." she says clicking her tounge at the end.

"And your Jack Harmond right?" he asks she nods lifting an eyebrow "Here the king requests every single ma- lady goes to the dance." he then nods handing her a letter laced with gold and leaves.

We look at eachother with question filled gazes and shrug grabbing the credit card my mom gave me and we go to the mall in my old Chevy.

At the mall we go to every friggin store and we have yet to find the PERFECT dress! I sigh and decide to call in my dress, shoes, garments, and all that shwabahm.

We go to Victoria's Secret and get alot of new undergarments. Then we head back home.

I hop in the truck throwing my bags in the backseat and Jack does the same. I laugh and turn the music up loud we dance and sing with the music.

Jack starts to laugh like a mad woman and I smile laughing along with her. I stop at a red light and there is a black charger beside me. Jack stops laughing and stares at the car I sigh and the light turns green.

I start to drive foward and a car comes racing from the side and smashes into my poor chevy. It was all like slow motion the air bag smacking Jack and I's faces, the glass shattering, the huge shard of glass entering my stomach, and the sound of Jack's door being ripped open.

I smile ready for them to leave me behind just like the person I used to call my dad. My head starts spinning and I cough up blood while wheezing. I now notice that the side of my door somehow managed to impale right in between my ribs hitting my lung.

Jack looks over at me and lifts her arm towards me. Tears fall down my face, "Leave me, save Jac-." I start coughing I smile at her weakly "Jackie it's ok...... I can't-  leave me and just know..... It's not your fault an-" Blood starts coming out of my mouth. "I- forgive me Jac-..... kie." More blood leaks out of my mouth and breathing becomes a task.

Tears run freely down my face and I hear sirens soon my eyes become heavy. How did you not see that car huh? How could you put poor Jack in danger? No wonder your father left you, you helpless coward! I think to myself.

Next thing I know I am in an ambulance, "Ma'am please keep your eyes open." someone says. I can hear in the background reporter's saying stuff "A 30 year old drunk driver has ran a red light to be met with two teenagers, Jack Harmond and Lilly Baxton. They are seeking medical attention as of now, and we will have more information on the case and will release more on the topic, thats all back to you Charlie."

Some one rips my eyelid open and flashes a bright light violating my poor eye. "What- the- hell?" I wheeze blood spurting someone chuckles and my eyes close sleep wanting to take over.

I feel a my bed moving and I wake up everything is hazy and lights are passing by my eyes I see my mom's angry face and I pat her hands softly "I- I lo- ve you." I say taking the mask off my face she rolls her eyes and kisses my cheek. I put the mask thing back on and I finally pass out for good.


I wake up with a gasp flinging up from the bed only to wince I lift the gown up and see gauze starting from my ribs all the way to the bottom of my stomach.

I huff and unwrap my 'torso?' I sigh and rip the cords and stuff off me and head towards the door. I fling it open and start walking down the hall in my gown. I reach the front desk and secretly sign myself out.

I walk outside and cut through the woods to get to my house. When I reach my neighborhood I run to my house causing my wounds to hurt.

I open the door to my house and see my mom's face she scowls at the sight of me. "What the hell Lilly Maria Baxton!" she yells then she starts speaking in Italian.

"Sai che il tuo non dovresti essere qui in questo momento si suppone di essere in ospedale come stai qui?"

(You know your not supposed to be here right now you are supposed to be in the hospital how are you here?)

"Ho firmato fuori, devo prepararmi ho un ballo presto, ti amo ma!"
I exclaim running up the stairs to my room wanting to see my dress

(I signed out, I have to get ready I have a dance soon, love you ma!)

She sighs and shouts "Love you to darling!" A grin appears on my face at her words and the sight of my dress.

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