"You're the best!" she calls down the hallway. I shake my head with a smile and continue composing the text.

Group Chat: LA Babes & Their Inferior Male Companions
Alaska, Carly, Steph, Mitch, Auston, William, Nazem, Morgan, Matt, Sydney, Connor C, & Lexi

we're going to the Santa Monica Pier today! meet in the parking lot no later than 12:30 or else I hope you packed good walking shoes

Mitch: harsh

Naz: I need at least an hour and seventeen minutes to get ready

guess that's one less nuisance I have to deal with 

Matt: what's up with the name of this group??

Morgan: "inferior male companions" what's that supposed to mean?

it means that all you guys are our inferior male companions

Naz: I don't have a lady companion

Morgan: same

Auston: same

Carly: ^good one

Mitch: shut up Matts

Auston: shut up Marns

that was cute

Auston: I'm cute

I'm cuter

Auston: we're cute together

Carly: I'm leaving, I can't handle this

Lexi: ^

Naz: ^^ all this sexual tension between u two is giving me anxiety

Morgan: ^^^

Matt: ^^^^

Syd: ^^^^^

it was a joke, chill people

Mitch: "it was a joke" AHAHHAHAHAH

Steph: ahahhahahahah good one Lask

Matt: lmao

Syd: lollllll

didn't know I was that funny...

Carly: don't worry, you're not

...is it warm out

Mitch: I'm gonna pretend you didn't just ask that

Naz: no it's 27 and windy like Toronto

thanks! I'll be sure to bundle up then

After I send my last sarcastic text, I fling open my closet doors, intimidated by all the choices. I rummage through the unorganized piles of fabric, searching for something that will be comfortable to walk around in all day.  This eliminates all jeans, skirts, and dresses, leaving me with shorts and leggings.

Opting to embrace the warm LA weather, I fish out a pair of comfy patterned shorts and a plain halter style crop top. I quickly change out of my pajamas and pull on the fresh outfit, surprised by how comfortable it is.

Alaska || Auston MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now