Chapter Two: First Contact

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Jordan walked with Cora to Hyperion's shuttle bay. The Pathfinder Team was ready to go and Alec Ryder gave an inspiring speech...

Then, they got underway. The team's shuttles descended down toward their not so golden world...

Jordan gripped the side wall with one hand as they encountered turbulence, "Hey!" a man called as he stood across from her at the side door, "I never got to introduce myself before going to cryo," he said, "Name's Liam Kosta, security and crisis response specialist," he said and Jordan nodded.

"It's good to meet you, Liam," she said politely. Courtesy, kindness and respect were pillars of importance while she was being raised, "I'm Jordan Ryder, recon specialist," Jordan introduced herself and Liam nodded in return.

A moment later, their shuttle caught aggressive turbulence. The pilot tried to stabilize the trajectory...but when lightning struck the vessel, there wasn't much any pilot could do.

The cabin depressurized and the front panels began to smoke. The next thing Jordan or Liam knew, the side door next to them tore away like peeling back flimsy aluminum foil.

Liam was raked out by the force of the air first. Jordan barely had time to think before she too was barreling through the air, doing all she could to keep herself from screaming.

"SAM! Back thrusters! Now!" she shouted.

"Propulsion systems are malfunctioning​, Ryder," SAM replied as she neared the ground.

Jordan shouted a groan of whining, "THEN, FIX IT!" she barked and the Ai got to work. Seconds passed and the jump jet on her back blaster just in time to decelerate her, just enough to keep her from ending up as a pile of broken bones and chunks.

She tumbled down the side of a steep incline, hitting hard, flat ground at the bottom, with her helmet glass cracked. As Jordan choked and coughed, she raised her wrist with her omni-tool and repaired the cracks as quickly as she could.

She wasn't about to die that day...

Jordan took a deep, gasping breath when the air in her suit was regulated again. She then rushed, hauling herself up to her feet, looking around at the environment.

The sky was almost black with a thick storm which was originating from some kind of pillar structure, which the Pathfinder Team had seen previously from the air.

Jordan physically jumped when Liam came running toward her, "Woah! Sorry!" he apologized for scaring her, "I'm glad you're​ alright," he said, "This is not at all what I expected to find here," he added grimly.

Jordan frowned, "I know..." she sighed, "But we can't give up yet. Let's find the others. Then, we'll figure out the rest from there," Jordan ordered, patting his shoulder before they got moving.

"You sound just like your dad," Liam remarked as they walked.

"How so?" she inquired and Liam laughed sarcastically, as if it should be obvious.

"I'm freaking out right now. And you're calm and collected like you've done this a hundred times!" Liam huffed and Jordan just shrugged her shoulders.

"Liam, I'm a biotic, an Infiltrator and a scientist. I think I can handle a thunderstorm," she spoke bluntly, studying the plant life with a keen gaze, scanning a few things here and there with her omni-tool.

Liam raised a brow at this, "You're a biotic?" he asked.

Jordan nodded, "Yeah, I was born a biotic. My brother, too. We've both got early models of the L3 implants," she replied and Liam hummed in acknowledging thought.

They walked on. Climbing, jumping gorges and struggling to avoid a direct lightning strike hitting either of them. About twenty minutes of stress-filled time later...things only got worse...

The two came to overlook a small valley, in a bowl surrounded by high stone walls. At the bottom was one of their men, Fisher...sitting up against a barricade, waiting for a couple of big men in green to kill him or worse.

Liam was about to walk into the shit, until Jordan pushed him down before they were noticed, "Get down!" she hissed quietly, her hand still on his shoulder.

They looked over the stones that hid them, seeing the creatures walking, with legs similar to Turians. Though, their faces were flesh except for the bone, helmet-like plating that made up the tops of their heads. Their armor was made of bone as well...but it wasn't their bones.

Jordan growled, seeing them begin to beat Fisher, "Not friendlies," she pulled her side arm from the magnetic holster on her hip.

Liam nodded, "How do you wanna take this?" he asked and Jordan stood up, precisely aiming.

She shot the first alien in the head, killing it, but attracting attention from the other. Jordan dodged and rolled out of its line of fire before taking cover behind a new line of rock.

Jordan growled and motioned for Liam to stay down as he looked over his cover at her in shock. She knew the second alien was coming up the hill. She timed her movements and grunted before reaching over her cover, dragging the alien down and stabbing it with her omni-blade before it could think. And just like that, the fight was over.

Jordan stood up and brushed herself off, casually scanning the dead bodies. Liam came jogging down the hill, "You could've let me help, you know?!" he said with a mix of concern and surprise.

Jordan raised a brow, looking up from her scan, "I might be a recon specialist, but I've had my fair share of fire fights with Batarian pirates," she stated bluntly, "And I know a monster when I see one. They were gonna kill him," she added and Liam nodded.

They then headed toward Fisher to get a better handle on the situation of the Pathfinder Team's first mission...

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