To the Void Again

Start from the beginning

"I will look into it. You focus on the blueprints and keeping everyone safe." Gaster said putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"Got it." I nodded. I looked around as the edges of the void became white, with the white continuing to climb towards us. I looked up at Gaster confused and worried.

"Do not worry, that simply means that you are waking up. I shall see you tonight, stay safe."

"You too!" I smiled up at the skeleton before everything turned white.


            I shifted in the bed, not really wanting to wake up. 

    "Hey... pst.... Jade wake up..." A child's voice said. I felt someone shaking me by the shoulders.

          "Ugghhh...." I moaned rolling over.

      "Ha! Now I'm sure you're awake! Come on, mom baked a pie and it's almost cool enough to eat! If you don't wake up soon then you slice won't be warm." I sighed again, this time though able to smell the butterscotch-cinnamon pie. It smelled heavenly.... I sat up slowly sending a glare to Frisk who snickered beside my bed. "Nice bed head."

            "I hate you so much." I grumbled.

     "Aw, I love you too sis." Frisk smiled and hugged me. I patted her head before peeling her off of me and brushing my hair with what I assume was Frisk's comb. "Mom brought by some clothes she thinks will fit you, she said they were her's when she was younger but they are a bit too big to fit me yet. Besides I like my sweaters and overalls."

           "oh.. um ok." I nodded. I'd have to remember to thank Toriel again and try to do something nice for her.... "Where are the clo-oh thanks." As if Frisk read my mind she handed me the clothes before I could even finish. It looked like a dress when I unfolded it and held it out but there were also some leggings with it. 

      "I'll be right outside and then we can go have breakfast together!" Frisk cheered before walking outside and closing the door behind her. I took off the tank top and bottoms I had borrowed from Alphys' lab the other day before changing into Toriel's old clothes. It was white leggings that stopped shortly above my ankles with a purple tunic like top. It had long sleeves that went to about the middle of my palms, a turtle neck, and the bottom edge of the shirt reached down to about my knees. It had large slits up the sides that came up to about my hips and white stripes about an inch away from all the sides as well as the royal crest on the center. I put my hair up into a bun on the top of my head before walking out into the hallway. "You look nice." Frisk smiled.

           "Why thank-"

    "Much better than that horrible thing you were when you woke up." Frisk added with a smirk.

         "You have three seconds to start running before I attack." Frisk squealed before bolting towards the right. I shook my head before following causally in that direction. Once I got to the living room I saw Frisk eagerly sitting at the table, Asgore reading in the chair by the fire, and Toriel wasn't around so I presumed she was in the kitchen. 

      "Ah, good morning young one." Asgore looked up at me and smiled. 

           "Good morning your majesty." I replied, trying to be polite as I gave a small curtsy. Asgore simply laughed in response. 

      "No need to be so formal." He said.

           "Alright... Asgore." I nodded.

      "Please, have a seat, Toriel will be finished with the pie any second now." Asgore guestered to the table before a whistling sound filled the room. "Oh and it seems I must go finish the tea. Excuse me." He said standing up and walking into the kitchen. I sat across from Frisk and sent her a playful glare. She pretended to be angry in return and we started making faces at each other. Laughter caught us both off guard as we stopped and turned towards the kitchen doorway. Toriel stood there with the pie in her hands, walking over and gently setting it on the table.

        "Please try to behave yourselves children." She said trying to hold back another laugh. "I see the clothes fit you well Jade, I am glad they are finally getting some use again."

     "Yes, thank you for letting me borrow them, and for letting me stay here,and for breakfast." I rambled on a bit, getting another laugh for Toriel before patting my head. 

          "It is nothing my child, we are simply glad to have you here." I smiled at that, sitting a bit straighter and being filled with happiness. It was a great feeling, being wanted, being loved and it fills you with more joy than you can every imagine. 

    "Alrighty, Tori's got the pie, I've got the tea, and everyone's up, so now we can have breakfast!" Asgore said setting a tray on the table with a tea pot and 4 tea cups. Needless to say it was the best breakfast I ever had. 


Author's Note: 

Woah, three chapters in one day! Crazy right? lol guess I got more done during spring break than I thought I would. Next week should have the usual one chapter update since school will be back in session. 

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