3 years later

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It's been three years. The team and I caught many killers. I FaceTimed Sam all the time. He's so cute and is growing up. He's seven. He's a cute little stinker. JJ is trying to have a child. And I think she got it. When I'm off I go back home and visit my family and the coach. Me and him have been pen pals. It's fun. I keep him updated with my life. I still wear the military uniform. And today I was called back into action. This time I was deployed to Pakistan. My brother cried and begged me to stay. I just give him a small smile. I gave him a picture of me. I then give a two letters to mom.
"Don't open that until I die okay." I said. They nodded and give me a big hug. When I turned around to my team they each had huge tears in their eyes. I hugged each and every one. I had my hair in a strict military bun. I had my combat uniform on. Max has his serving vest on. I pick up my bag and look at them once again. I boarded the military helicopter. Three hours later I was at base getting a new team.
"Hello I'm Sammy Jacks Jacobs. And this here is max." I said.
"So you are a dog handler." One said.
"No this was my old teams sniffer. But they died during an ambush. I was given Max as he was going to be put down because he doesn't like new handlers." I said.
----time skip----
Me and my team have been in Pakistan for the last year. I have been sending letters to my team. I also have been FaceTiming my brother and parents. In fact that's what I'm doing.
"Sammy!" My little brother yelled. I give a small smile. My face has black soot and has a layer of just grime. I have a cut on the side of my face.
"Hi bud. How are you." I ask.
"I got an hundred on my hero report." He said.
"You did. Who did you put as your hero." I ask.
"You. Mom blew up your picture to a poster size. The one with you in a military uniform with max playing catch with me. Mom helped me word it. I stood in front of class and said my sister is my hero. I got a gold star." He said excited.
I laugh. "Congratulations Sam you are one step closer to being my all time high best brother in the whole wide world. By a chance can I talk to mom and Dad." I ask.
"Awesome. Okay I'll bring them." He squealed. A minute later mom and Dad showed up on screen.
"Hi mom Dad." I said. I ran my bloody and black hand through my hair full of ash.
"Hi Sam how's its going over there?" Dad asked.
"I'm doing my best. It's going hard." I said voice cracking. A tear slipped down my face.
"This will probably be the last chat I'll have in a while." I said. Looking down. General is giving orders. I look over. I then look at my screen to see them crying.
"Were going in. To fight." I said.
"We love you Sammy. Your brother does too. Hope you know that." Mom cried out.
"I know. I love you all too." I said. The alarms are going off saying camp is being attacked.
I looked at mom and Dad.
"I got to go camp is being attacked. I love you all spread the word to my team alright." I said. You can here gunfire. I log off and grab my gun. I run out and started fighting for my country. By the end of day three of endless fighting we won. But with a great cost. Out of the camp of 250 soldiers only 25 are coming home alive. I was shot in the stomach and and a deep gash on my face. It was stitched up and an covered. I got in the helicopter with Max bandaged beside me. He was also wounded in the stomach. Five helicopters landed on the battlefield. All tents were burned down. My dog tags grew. Five soldiers went in each helicopter. It lifted off the ground and started flying back home. When we landed I can see many people stare. I walk out with Max following beside me. I walk all the way home. I stood in front of the door. I ring the door bell. Dad opens the door. I drop my bag. He throws opens the door and hugs me tight. Mom comes and sees me. I hug her. I tell them I'm going to surprise Sam at school. I call the principle saying I'm coming to surprise my brother. I I got a ride in the metal death trap. Once mom and Dad parked. I got out and threw up. I groaned.
"I hate you too metal death trap." I said staring at the car. I walk into the office. I got a visitors pass. I then walked to Sam's class. I knocked on the door. The teacher opened it. She covered her mouth with her hand. Mom started recording this on her phone. The teacher let me in. Sam sat there in shock.
"Sammy!" He yelled. He then tackled me in a hug.
"Woah carful Sam. Me and Max here are wound twins." I said quietly.
"Class this is Sammy Jacks Jacobs. Sam wrote a report on her she is also his sister. Sammy dear can you tell us about yourself." The teacher asks.
I nod. I sat down against the wall in the front of the room. Max Laid down beside me.
"First do you know what a tour means?" I ask.
"A tour is when you are on duty for a certain amount of time." A kid said.
I nod. "And you all know about the war in Iraq and now Pakistan right?" I asked. They all nodded.
"Okay when I was fourteen I was recruited into the Us army. I was sent to Iraq to fight for my country. I was there for three tours. And when I came back I took classes to solve crimes. Like a detective. I was working for the FBI for three years before I was sent back to fight, but this time at Pakistan. Everything was going fine until my camp was attacked. I was afraid I wasn't going to see my baby brother. Or hug him or go home. And by some miracle I survived. I was shot in the stomach and had a deep gash on my face. Max here also got shot in the stomach. However, my camp did not receive the same miracle.
My camp had 250 soldiers. My army brothers. They acted as my brother and sometimes as a father scolding me for reckless things. After the attack only 25 made it out and that's including my self. Can someone tell me how many died." I ask. They started working it out.
A girl worked it out and raised her hand.
"Yes?" I asked.
"225?" The girl said.
"Yes 225 of them died for our country so that we can all still have freedom. The other twenty for soldiers lost some body part like an arm or a leg. Some went blind during a blast. Or one is missing an ear. But they all came back to their family's." I paused.
"I want each and every one of you to do a project. I'll be going to their houses soon to check on them. You each are going to write them a letter, make a card, and draw a picture. In this picture I want you to draw what freedom to too means. This is going to be an assignment from me. When you turn it in I'll give you a gold star and a lollipop. Sound good?" I ask. They all got papers out.
"Use your resources. There's dictionary's ask your teacher to sign your card giving it the okay. Let your parents, brothers, sisters or even neighbors sign it. I'm sure these soldiers will love what you are going to give them." I said. The teacher smiled at me. I smiled back. I see mom typing something. I hear a ding. I jumped holding my heart. I open my phone to see that the video that mom just took went on the news.

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