Knowing the truth

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Sure I was a cute kid. Although I'm told daily that I'm ugly and ruined my parents lives. Oh sorry I forgot to introduced myself. Hello my name is Sammy Jacks Jacobs but I only go by Sammy though. I try to prove that I'm worth something by getting the highest grades in school. I also skipped a couple grades, but my parents didn't care that I did. They just smile and nod at the teachers. But when the teachers leave I get slapped and yelled for disturbing their day. When they leave I'm left at the school. My house is about ten miles away from the school. So when I get up to school is around three and leave the house at five. After cooking breakfast for them. If I don't I'll get slapped and locked in my room. I am in fifth grade and I'm eight years old. When I get to the school it is seven thirty but school doesn't start till eight thirty. I help around the school. I sweep,mop or help the teachers in their class room. They never ask questions, they just say thank you. I do everything that the school provides so it will keep me away from my parents and help with getting on teams in middle school and High school. The after school activities last till seven and I get home at eight thirty. I carry a flashlight with me at all times.

When I made it to the Varsity teams in middle school, I told my parents and they told me the truth

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When I made it to the Varsity teams in middle school, I told my parents and they told me the truth.
"Sammy Jacks Jacobs! We never wanted you. You were an accident. Even if that we wanted a boy and we got a stupid daughter." Yelled mom. This was said in the hallway when the teachers were trying to break a fight between several people. All students turned towards us losing interest in the fight. Kids started laughing at me. I broke down crying. That was the truth. They didn't want me they wanted a boy. I was a mistake. After the games and walking home in the complete dark I was beat for humiliating my mother in front of the kids. They don't even think they were laughing at me but at my mother. The next day I walked to school with a black eye a cut lip and bruises everywhere. Still the teachers didn't ask questions.
I still finish middle school with top marks in all classes and received dozens of sport rewards. I have several track medals and varsity letters. I won state medals for each sport I participated in. Now if you looked at my body I'm ripped. I have a beginning of an eight pack. I have no fat at all due to the way I hardly eat and the sports I do.

Now in high school I'm automatically picked for the varsity teams

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Now in high school I'm automatically picked for the varsity teams. I'm still bullied but I hardly listen to them now. I'm twelve and in ninth grade. I'm the youngest there and I get bullied for it. The high school is farther than the elementary, it's twenty miles away. So I dress in my practice and p.e. Cloths. I stretch as I'm making my parents breakfast. Then grab everything I need for the day and make sure I have my watch on. I start jogging to the high school after about two miles of that I started running. I make it to the school just in time the bell rings. I have P.e. First period. I can surpass the boys when we do our mile run test. I run a mile in four minutes. I still managed to keep the highest G.p.a. In the year along with doing all varsity sports and only able to get about a four hour nap before the next school day. I'm used to the lack of hours of sleep. When I made it to Junior year with winning the school trophies and grants because of my grades and sport activities I was given an award in front of the whole school. My parents acted all happy behind me. But their was boo's in the audience. Of course they were my bullies. Once again when I got home I was punched and kicked then put in a closet locked. They let me out the next morning to make breakfast and go to school. Today was a special day it was career day. I once again ran to school. I made it by the skin of my teeth. In the gym was army recruiters. They made us run laps around the track. Until we fall. The last five people would be talking to the recruits about chances. We all lined up and coach whistled. I started running passing the boys. I was already warmed up from running to school. One by one students got off the track. I wasn't paying attention to the students leaving. All I can think was about yesterday. I noticed I started picking up speed.
Coaches p.o.v.
Sammy is the star player and student in this school. I noticed the way her parents treat her. I noticed the bruises and black eyes. Most think that it's from practicing of her sports. But she had been having those since she was in elementary. There was gossip once where her mother admitted she was a mistake and a stupid girl and rather having a boy. I blew the whistle for the little contest to start. She starts off in her slow run. Which is pretty fast for everyone else. Kids started to get off the track and sitting in the bleachers. It went like this for an hour. Sammy had already ran twenty miles. And still hasn't stopped. I blew the whistle seeing as there was only five people left in the track. Those other four ran ten miles. In a small jog. Sammy didn't listen I can see tears streaming down her face. She started picking up speed and keep running. The recruits were shocked. They told those for to expect a call later. Then they came to me.
"Who is she?" One asked.
"She's Sammy Jacks Jacobs. She is the star varsity player in all sports. She's also the top student in her year. She's also the youngest in her year. Her age level is actual eighth grade. She skipped grades and won awards." I said. Sammy finally stopped and put her hands above her head marking her shirt lift up a little, showing an eight pack.
"Sammy come here." I called to her.
She runs over to me rolling her shoulders.
Jackson p.o.v.
Ok so I was told to go to a high school and see if there is any students show promise in the military. When the coach blew the whistle I was surprised a girl smaller than all those boys running fast. People started dropping of the track. Soon the coach blew the whistle. The boys walked off the track I noticed the girl still running but started picking up speed. We told the boys we'll call them later then walked to the coach.
"Who is she?" I ask.
"She's Sammy Jacks Jacobs. She is the star varsity player in all sports. She's also the top student in her year. She's also the youngest in her year. Her age level is actual eighth grade. She skipped grades and won awards." He said.
"Sammy come here." He called to her.
She runs over to us rolling her shoulders.
"How old are you Sammy?" I ask.
"I'm fourteen sir." She said.
"Your parents must be proud of your achievements." I said.
She hesitated.
"No sir they are not. I'm just their mistake they said I would at least be acceptable if I was a man." She said.
"Oh sorry about that. Um how are you able to run that long?" I asked. I can see the look of understanding when she told us about her parents.
"I've been running to school for as long as I've been going. My house was ten miles to the elementary and fifteen to the middle school and twenty to the high school. Never rode a car in my life. Parents say stupid girls don't deserve to have a ride." She said. The look on the coaches face when she said that is almost a mirror to mine. I was angry.
"Do you want to join the military?" My partner Rhodes ask.
"If it gets me as far away from my parents and the bullies I'm all for it." She said.
"Okay I'll come pick you up tomorrow after-school to do your physical." I said.
She left heading to the showers.
"She has bullies!" I whisper yelled.
"I'm afraid so. You see since she is so young she gets bullied by her age and height. Also when in middle school her parents showed up practically disowning her in front of the student population. Also she has the highest GPA level in over half the country. She takes extra classes. You see when she started out running that's like a jog to her. The sprint you also saw was her regular running. She surpasses all boys in weight lifting. The refs make her have a drug test done two days before the game to make sure she's not using steroids. She works herself and that test we had today was like an easy assignment to her that was not even working her. But that explains why I never see her parents at games and black eyes she sometimes gets. I was starting to suspect something was happening." Said the coach.
Sammy's p.o.v.
I might actually have a chance to escape. Yes!

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