Gone Native

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We were gathered around the table eating a dinner of fish and greens. Our diet had changed drastically once the ships stores ran out. We had to supplement where we could.

We began fishing off the side of the ship still in the water. Success was hit and miss at best. Everyone was losing weight rapidly. A rather unexpected bonus you wouldn't get on a cruise normally.

It was Chase who began speculating about what had happened.
"I don't know exactly how or why but I believe we've been transported back in time."
"Back in time? Isn't that impossible?"I asked.
"Is any of what's happened actually possible?"
"I guess not. But why do you think we're even on earth?"
"Because there's a moon in the sky the air is breathable and the raptors we see are from our past."
"You two are just talking crazy."Carson exclaimed.
"Just bear with me guys."
"OK Chase so what if we were sent to our past what does that mean? We're stuck here with a broken ship and man eating raptors we can't defend against. We're still doomed."
"No there's one thing I'm hoping has the key to opening whatever doorway pulled us here."
"And what might that be?" I asked.
"The Aurora Borealis. It's appearance is a time of unusual magnetic activity. If that was the key to opening the door to time travel then by default it should open it again next time. Theoretically anyway."
"So when exactly is the next occurrence?"
"Nobody knows. It can be any day. It can be 6 months from now. There's no way to tell."
"Hmm..." was all Carson could say as he ate his fish silently.

Carson developed a relationship with the chief of the local tribesmen. He tells us his native name is "Kwento -Tigal" but he has no idea what it means. He's become a member of the Kushan People.

Surprisingly the natives are an attractive people not like the stereo typical depictions of primitives.

Also not surprising Carson now has a local girl by his side whenever he goes down to visit the village.

Carson now dresses like the Kushan and has begun to learn their ways. He has gone native and it makes me wonder if he's lost it.

It was 2 nights later that the sky began to glow green and a wavy sheen began to spread across the sky. Chase came running into our cabin excitedly yelling.

"IT'S HAPPENING! THIS IS IT GUYS!"Chase said as he raised his hands in Thanks.
"No! I can't leave. The Kushan need me!" Carson protested.
"We're going back to OUR time Carson!"
"NO!" He yelled as he began running for the ships side. Grabbing a rope he pushed us aside as he jumped over the edge and rappelled to the beach.
"Carson! You'll be left behind!" I shouted.

He ran as fast as he could to get away from us.

The lights in the sky began rapidly changing as the ocean opened once again pulling the Ice Princess backwards into the swirling waters.

Once again we emerged from the darkness but now found our ship bobbing in the ocean.

Regaining our footing we stood up. The air was cold and the sky was bright blue.

"Are we back Chase?"
Looking to the distance he shook his head and pointed. Where there was once was a small fishing town there now stood a walled fortress and a warship headed our way.
"Not exactly."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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