Part 4

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Corwyn sat in the office of Grayson's Warehouse & Exchange watching David Tanner dance his negotiating dance with a man with years more experience. Once again, David was proving that he could wring profit from a stone. It was always a spectacle to watch David's amazing negotiating skill.

"I assure you, Mr. Tanner, that these weapons were forged in Lystra, hence the premium," the older man said.

David gave him a disbelieving stare. "Please, Mr. Grayson, whoever sold these to you may have convinced you of their origin, and thus charged you a premium, but I will not be the one who pays for your error in judgment."

Grayson ran his hand over the sample sword and shield in front of him. "How can you say that about these beauties? Look at how beautiful they shine! You can almost see yourself in them!"

Corwyn winced. Grayson had a point. It looked like, for the first time, David was going to lose a negotiation. He almost said something, but stopped. David had severely chastised him the one time he spoke at negotiations. He said those five words had cost the crew a gold each, and he let everyone know it.

"Mister Grayson, may I?" David asked, motioning to the weapons.

The old man nodded.

David picked up the shield. He rolled it over a few times in his hand until he found what he was looking for. "Yep, just as I thought. The steel does indeed come from Lystra, but do you see this?" He pointed to some markings on the shield. "That is the mark of Avis Moran, a blacksmith who works out of New Portsmouth. He uses steel ingots out of the cast-off pile, and forges them into display pieces. If I were to sell these as war quality weapons, two hundred men would march to their deaths. They are not worth seven gold each, but a mere three."

"Blast! I overpaid for them!" Grayson said, unconvincingly. "Very well. I'll be taking a loss, but you can have them for three apiece, but only if your crew comes to get them."

David smiled. "I believe we have an agreement." The two shook hands. "I'll have some of the men come pick them up within the hour.

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